Wondering why you don’t see more strength sports in Hollywood movies? We’ve scoured the web and spent many, many hours watching barbells clang and strongmen scream so you can know exactly what you want for ... Continue Reading
Earth Fed Muscle Primitive Protein Review
Whey protein powder companies are a dime a dozen, but few deliberately target strength athletes. That's where Earth Fed Muscle comes in, a new supplement company from the brains behind Garage Strength, a ... Continue Reading
5 Exercises for Gloriously Strong Glutes
Whether you’re a powerlifter, weightlifter, or functional fitness athlete, your butt is your engine. Practically every key athletic movement, from the deadlift to the snatch to the kettlebell swing to a ... Continue Reading
Atlas Stones Versus Stone of Steel: Why the Difference Matters for Strongman Athletes
The Atlas Stone is perhaps one of the most iconic implements in Strongman. The giant spherical concrete stones speak to Strongman’s heritage as a sport that demonstrates power and domination over all ... Continue Reading
Rogue Fitness 4″ Nylon Weightlifting Belt Review
Rogue Fitness is known for a lot of things, and as of this year being the official manufacturer of USA Weightlifting is one of them. They were founded in 2006 and are based in American out of Ohio. Over ... Continue Reading
Strongman Corporation Will Hold First Competition For Disabled Athletes At 2017 Arnold Classic
For the time first time in Strongman Corporation history, there will be a sanctioned strongman competition for disabled athletes. This competition will take place at the 2017 Arnold Classic. The 2017 ... Continue Reading
The Essential Sandbag Workout for Strength Athletes
If "functional fitness" is your bag, it can sometimes get a little hard to defend barbell training. If your goal is to be able to lift and carry real things in the real world, well, how often is that going ... Continue Reading
Rootz Paleo Protein Superfood Review
Paleo workout supplements were always going to happen, but are they really a substitute for guilty pleasure, sweetener-laden whey powder? Rootz is betting that there’s a market for folks wary of the ... Continue Reading
Long Day of Sitting? Try These 8 Stretches to Unlock Your Hips
We’re not going to bore you with all the stats and scary science about how sitting is the new smoking and sitting is killing you why are you sitting right now buy a treadmill desk already. But every ... Continue Reading
Watch Thor Björnsson Do Chin-Ups at 400 Pounds for Reps
Sure, hanging plates off your waist is one way to get stronger at chin-ups. Or you can just gain a couple hundred pounds. Hafthor Björnsson is usually recognized for crushing skulls as The Mountain on ... Continue Reading
6 Easy Ways To Start Programming Progressive Overload
One of the most fundamental concepts in all forms of strength training is the concept of progressive overload. Think back to the first time you picked up a weight. My guess is you naturally added more ... Continue Reading
The Best Holiday Gifts for the Strongman or Strongwoman in Your Life
It is always fun to give a gift that someone may appreciate and even better to give one that can improve their performance in their chosen sport. With strongman being a niche activity, most of your family ... Continue Reading
6 Lateral Stability Exercises for the Functional Athlete
Strength athletes usually lift things up and put them down. And it's awesome. But there's sometimes an issue among powerlifters, Olympic lifters, and functional fitness athletes when ... Continue Reading
How to Learn from 6 Common Strongman Mistakes So You Can Make More Lifts
All men make mistakes, but only wise men learn from their mistakes. -Winston Churchill As a coach, watching errors being made by talented athletes can be heart wrenching. Being strong is no longer ... Continue Reading
2016 World’s Strongest Man Television Air Dates Announced
Thanksgiving is a time for food, family, and men performing crazy feats of strength. This year’s World’s Strongest Man competition has finally posted air dates. Unlike years in the past where air dates are ... Continue Reading
Wife Carrying Is the Latest Strength Sport for Couples
Strongman meets obstacle course racing meets matrimonial love in one of the most bizarre strength events we’ve ever seen: wife carrying. According to Finnish legend, the race originated from a ... Continue Reading
Eddie Hall Would Rather Use Humans Than Walk Across the Gym for Dumbbells
Eddie Hall is famous in the strength sports world for many reasons. He’s an accomplished strongman competitor, a deadlift world record holder, and a human being lifter. Now you’re probably ... Continue Reading
Want Optimal Testosterone Levels? Eat More of This
Strength athletes and the fitness industry at large just cannot stop talking about testosterone. And why should they? Healthy testosterone levels are incredibly important, and not only for ... Continue Reading
3 Unusual Strongman Assistance Exercises You SHOULD Be Doing
I’m a big believer in the basics. The way I see it, an athlete will get 80% of their results from a few key movements. The squat, the overhead press, and the deadlift will build the strength that they need ... Continue Reading
Caber Tossing: Why Hurling Trees Is the Most Delicate Strength Sport
The bicycle, the telephone, the television, and penicillin are all great Scottish inventions, sure, but the country’s greatest contribution to strength sports is definitely the world-famous Highland ... Continue Reading
Strongman Eddie Hall Bench Presses 584 Pounds for 6 Reps!
Eddie Hall is the world's greatest strongman-style deadlifter (as evidenced by his record breaking 500kg pull this past July). Now, the British strongman — who made the podium for the first time at this ... Continue Reading
Eugen Sandow Was a Groundbreaking Strength Pioneer and Father of Bodybuilding
Eugen Sandow is known as "The Father of Bodybuilding," and he acquired that title for good reason. Not only was Sandow strong, but he developed revolutionary strength training processes for his time ... Continue Reading
How Coffee Naturally Boosts Your Workout Performance
Coffee, noun; defined as a drink made from brewed and ground bean like seeds. For myself, and a lot of others we know coffee as a verb. “Did you see me coffee that PR?” and, “I need to seriously coffee ... Continue Reading
Lifters Rejoice: Strength Training Does The Brain Good
We’re well aware of the physical benefits exercise offers us. Strength training improves our muscular base, enhances our posture, creates stronger bones, and improves joint health. Cardiovascular training ... Continue Reading