As a strength athlete, I'd compare walking into a new gym or getting new lifting gear similar to walking into a candy shop as a kid. Everything is new, and it would be shame to let a piece of equipment go ... Continue Reading
Is This the Highest Recorded Powerlifting Total in 33 Seconds?
A 2,000 lb powerlifting total is impressive, but what about a 2,005 lb total in 33 seconds? Rob "Da Savage" Hall got to work at the Arnold Classic in the ANIMAL Cage, which is where he put up a crazy 2,005 ... Continue Reading
Watch This 75kg Powerlifter Progress From a 100kg to a 240kg Bench Press
The strength industry’s version of those “before and after” weight loss photos, we really love a good progress video. They’re not just entertaining, they’re important: they drive home the message that we ... Continue Reading
71kg Kimberly Walford Deadlifts 257.5kg (14.5kg Over Current IPF World Record)
Kimberly Walford, 38, has a powerlifting resume that's possibly as long as the contact list in your cellphone. She's set and holds records in multiple weight classes, and has recently been a ... Continue Reading
Ray Williams Just Made History With a 477.5kg (1,053lb) Raw Squat
This year's Arnold Classic has already lived up to its hype and has proven to be an epic showing of strength. Earlier, we saw Blaine Sumner make history with his epic 505kg single-ply IPF World Record ... Continue Reading
93kg David Woolson Breaks Norris USAPL Raw Deadlift Record With 350.5kg
The Arnold Classic is finally upon us, and if you've been watching highlights, then you may have seen David Woolson's great powerlifting performance. He's a 25-year old, 93kg raw American powerlifter and ... Continue Reading
DIY: How to Build Your Own Deadlift/Olympic Lifting Platform
Whether you own a gym or want to start building out your dream workout space, then this mini-guide can help you construct your own deadlift and weightlifting platforms. Possibly the best ... Continue Reading
Katie Anne Squats 405 Pounds at a Bodyweight of 72 Kilograms
Katie Anne is a powerlifter and IFPA Natural Figure Pro who has been taking her squats very seriously. The 2015 USAPL Raw Nationals 72kg Junior National Champion just posted the following video to her ... Continue Reading
18-Year-Old Joseph Peña Squats 1005 Pounds Equipped
Powerlifting wunderkind Joseph Peña has just squatted 1,005 pounds (455.9kg) at eighteen years of age, wearing a single-ply squatting suit and a lifting belt. A post shared by pena ... Continue Reading
131lb Powerlifter Sergey Fedosienko Benches 380lbs for Three Reps
Russian powerlifter Sergey Fedosienko should be considered in the running for one of the strongest pound for pound powerlifters of the last decade. He's competed in three different weight classes in his ... Continue Reading
132-Pound Bodybuilder Suzanne Davis Deadlifts 486.1 Pounds for a New World Record
At the USPA's Western Warrior Powerlifting Challenge in Glendale, Arizona this weekend, Suzanne Davis made history as the first woman to deadlift 486.1 pounds (220.5kg) in the 132 pound classic raw weight ... Continue Reading
Chris Ruden Deadlifts 655 With One Hand in Arnold Classic Prep
For the first time ever at the Arnold Classic there will be a strongman competition for disabled athletes. Disabled strongman competitions have been taking place for years, but this will be the first ... Continue Reading
74kg Powerlifter Owen Hubbard Crushes 700kg Total In Competition
Owen Hubbard, 23, is a British Powerlifter who just put up a massive total for the 74kg weight class in competition. Hubbard has built a large list of powerlifting accomplishments in his career. He holds ... Continue Reading
7 Things Only People Cutting Weight Will Understand
Dieting and exercising for weight loss is seldom as fun as trying to gain weight. A lot of smart coaches advise that if you’ve been competing for less than a year, you shouldn’t cut at all — you ... Continue Reading
Does Your Menstrual Cycle Affect Your Lifts?
Few would argue that the hormonal changes that correlate with the menstrual cycle can have some pretty far reaching effects. But it’s completely individual, of course. Symptoms can range from abdominal ... Continue Reading
Could Kelly Branton Join the 1,000 lb Raw Squat Club This Arnold?
There are only a handful of powerlifters who've squatted 1,000 lbs or more raw in competition. Ray Williams and Jezza Uepa are two of the better known competitors in this elite weight club. In ... Continue Reading
Need Motivation? Watch Jennifer Millican’s 2017 Road to the Arnold
Rogue Fitness has released their second video featuring the "2017 Road to the Arnold" theme. This time their athlete of choice is female powerlifter Jennifer Millican, who's a -57kg USAPL raw national ... Continue Reading
Check Out Ray Williams Deadlifting 800 for an Easy 2 Reps
Most strength sports fans know or have at least heard of Ray "Ray Ray" Williams. He's an elite powerlifter who holds multiple American raw records in the 120k+kg weight class. Williams is currently in ... Continue Reading
Blaine Sumner Talks 2016 Arnold and What We Can Expect This Year
There's a little over two weeks until some of the strongest athletes take the stage at the Arnold Classic, March 2-5th. One of these athletes is elite powerlifter Blaine Sumner, or the "Vanilla Gorilla" as ... Continue Reading
74kg Peter Hoang Deadlifts 288kg in Prep for the Arnold
As a strength sports writer you develop a love for the lead up of any major strength competition, exhibition, or invitational. Why? This is when the big lifts are happening in training, ... Continue Reading
18 Year Old Daniella Melo Squats 455 lbs
Daniella Melo, 18, may be the strongest female teenager you see today (or this week). She puts up weight most athletes struggle with like it's nothing. Melo competes in the 84kg weight class and has ... Continue Reading
Clarence Kennedy Talks Switching to Powerlifting, Vegan Ethics, and Rabid Reddit Fans
Clarence Kennedy is a bit of an enigma in the weightlifting world: strong as an ox, quiet as a mouse, he's a weightlifter with no interest in competing, and he's the creator of one of ... Continue Reading
5 Unconventional Tips for a Bigger Bench Press
Bench is a favorite amongst bodybuilders and powerlifters alike. When it comes to adding size and strength to the upper body, it's hard to beat. Building a big bench comes from mastering your technique, ... Continue Reading
Andy Bolton: Back to Training After Cancer and Kidney Failure
“I mean yesterday I maxed out at 440, I just can’t imagine what it feels like to pull a 1000lbs” “No. You can’t.” Fortunately both my deadlift and interviewing skills have improved a lot since the first ... Continue Reading