Hunter McIntyre Does Regionals
What’s happening?
Morning Chalk Up and FITAID are teaming up to present “Hunter McIntyre Does Regionals” live on Facebook starting on Sunday, July 22. Hunter McIntyre is the champion obstacle course racer who’s been cleaning up the OCR circuit even against some of CrossFit’s fittest athletes.
But he’s not just all about running and climbing over obstacles, the champ finished 216th in the West Region with a 4th place finish in WOD #1. Not too shabby.
The backstory.
During Tough Mudder X back in June, Hunter told Patrick Vellner and Jacob Heppner that he could have qualified for the CrossFit Games if he’d been competing at the 2018 South Regional.
Patrick and Jacob said ‘ain’t gonna happen’ and called his bluff. Now Hunter is heading out to Jacob’s homebase at Cobra Command CrossFit in Basehor, KS for three days to take on Regionals and settle this debate once and for all.
Plus, Jacob Heppner will be joining him for a few of the workouts.
…and this will be live right?
Duh. FITAID and Morning Chalk Up are tag teaming the live stream for your viewing pleasure. But we need you to do two things first: 1). RSVP on our event page (no one likes throwing a party for one) and 2). Turn on your Facebook live notifications (instructions below).
Step 1. Go here.
Step 2. Click the three little dots in the upper right hand corner and select “Turn on live notifications.”
Step 3: Sit back and let us deliver you awesome content.