Odd (wo)Man Out
Meet Camille Egdorf. She’s a professional fisherman and unless you’re really into fly fishing, you’ve probably never heard of her.
We sure did. Camille grew up trading places between Montana and Alaska and became a full-time fishing guide at the ripe age of 18. It wasn’t always easy being the only lady guide out there in remote part of Alaska, except for one tiny little detail. Turns out she’s a total badass and really good.
But don’t take our word for it — Yeti totally agrees. Yes, we’re talking the fancy cooler company Yeti. The one keeping your beers cold this weekend.
We’re actually not. We’re talking about strength. Camille is also a CrossFitter who calls CrossFit Bozeman in Montana home. She may be trading places a lot around the world to pursue her passion but one thing is clear, “just because you’re a girl doesn’t mean you can’t do it as well as a guy.” Her words, not ours.
“Remote Alaska can get pretty gnarly,” Camille said in this awesome video Yeti just put out.. “I’d rather be in good physical shape and have a healthy and strong body to get me through it. Being a role model for other women was definitely something I wanted to be.”
We couldn’t agree more. And to further toast that today’s Friday, we’ll leave you with this: “Here’s to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them.”