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The 7 Worst Gym Machines Your Workout Does NOT Need
Workout machines are great. They’re comfortable, beginner-friendly, and you can generally find one in most gyms for just about any exercise under the sun. Does that mean that they’re without weakness or that every workout machine in your gym is worth your time? No way. Plain and simple, some exercise machines are more useful as…
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Six Science-Backed Tips to Stick to Your New Year’s Fitness Resolution
The fittest people on the planet once struggled with their first push-up. No one is born in pristine physical condition; they’ve committed to getting themselves there. If you’ve decided to take the plunge and make this year your fittest yet, congratulations! As you’ll see, getting started is, quite literally, half the battle. But once you’ve…
Strength & Mass
9 of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Timeless Bodybuilding Tips
Before he was the Governor of California or a record-setting box office actor, Arnold Schwarzenegger was a seven-time Mr. Olympia winner, five-time Mr. Universe, and the most recognizable bodybuilder in the world. He’s still considered by many to be the best ambassador for fitness on the planet today, even though he hasn’t competed on stage…
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Squat Standards
Whether you’ve trained for years on the best squat racks or are still working on your walkout, setting target weights is an important part of increasing strength. You may be wondering, though, how to tell if your goal one-rep max aligns with typical squat standards. Well, we’re here to help. The BarBend team of certified…
Nutrition and Strength Training Guidance for Trans and Nonbinary Athletes: New Study
Top Plant Sources of Protein: Veggie Diet Recommendations from a Dietitian and a Vegetarian
The Arnold Schwarzenegger Workout Split (and How to Modify It)
Stop Doing Deadlifts if You Want To Build Muscle
5 Reasons You Can’t Skip Barbell Squats on Leg Day
Horizon vs. NordicTrack Treadmills: A Deep Delve Into Specs and Pricing