In life and in lifts, there are gifts we give in holiday spirit to those bereft of fitness equipment. The following guide is going to help you navigate the way to the perfect gift for the lifter in your ... Continue Reading
Chad Wesley Smith: 900 Pound Squats and the Ultimate Strength Debate
Chad Wesley Smith has squatted over 900 pounds, started one of the world's most respected strength centers, and built an AI-powered system for training programs. Now, the Juggernaut Training Systems ... Continue Reading
The Surprising History of 20-Rep Squats
"The sphere of physical endeavor might very aptly be grouped into two classifications: those who just naturally seem to excel and those who must depend upon hard work and long training to achieve anything ... Continue Reading
The Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide for Weightlifters | Shoes, Belts, and More
Everyone loves to be spoiled on the holidays. Whether it’s a cookie before dinner starts, an extra serving of your favorite sides, or a not-so-little splash of brandy in your eggnog, the holidays are ... Continue Reading
Gábor Török Responds to CrossFit Games Suspension
Gábor Török of Hungary was one of five athletes in breach of the CrossFit Drug Testing Policy at the 2019 Reebok CrossFit Games after testing positive for banned substances. Török tested ... Continue Reading
The Best Rogue Fitness Gift Guide for 2021 | Racks, Barbells, and More!
Ah, Rogue Fitness. The American based equipment manufacturer that makes some of the best gear to train with. If you're a Rogue Fitness fan, then it probably doesn't come to you as a surprise that ... Continue Reading
Bodybuilding Legend Jusup Wilkosz Has Passed Away
Yesterday, it was announced publicly that German bodybuilding great Jusup Wilkosz, also known as "German Zeus" had passed away at the age of 71. As of right now, there have been no details shared on the ... Continue Reading
Bodybuilding Versus Powerlifting Programs: Three Big Differences
Over the past year, I’ve trained for both the world’s most prestigious powerlifting meet (the Kern US Open) and for a national-level bodybuilding competition (the NPC North Americans). It wasn’t the best ... Continue Reading
Best Armband Phone Holders
Exercising with a phone in your pocket is a pretty brutal experience. The phone bang sagainst your leg incessantly during a run or falls to the ground during sit ups or any other ground work. Fortunately, ... Continue Reading
The Definitive Powerlifting Gift Guide for 2021 | Belts, Shoes, Sleeves, and More
So you're shopping for the powerlifter in your family, but you don't know where to start. At BarBend, we do a lot of work in the sport of powerlifting. Outside of reporting on powerlifting news and ... Continue Reading
Ultimate Fitness Tech Gift Guide for 2021 | Trackers, Earbuds, Watches, and More
As the fitness industry continues to boom, so does the fitness tech that allows us to perform at our best. This holiday season we've compiled the ultimate fitness tech gift guide for yourself and the ... Continue Reading
Kheycie Romero Deadlifts 545 lbs for a Hook Grip PR
If you're looking for some deadlift inspiration to get your Tuesday off to a strong start, then look no further. Powerlifter Kheycie Romero recently shared a monstrous deadlift that has caught the ... Continue Reading
Dexter Jackson Commits to 2020 Olympia
2008 Mr. Olympia Dexter Jackson shared a post on Instagram where he discussed his 2019 Olympia placing (4th) and how he hopes to improve on that placing next year. So the competitor with the most pro wins ... Continue Reading
3 Great Deload Strategies to Use When Traveling This Holiday Season
Well, it’s that time of year again: with the winter weather comes the winter holidays, and for many people, winter holidays mean a lot of travel. Travel is great: you get to take a break from the monotony ... Continue Reading
How Tyler Christophel Broke Into the Top 10 in the World in the CrossFit Open
Missouri-based Tyler Christophel used to do it all one his own: his own programming, his own nutrition plan, his own mental preparation to thrive in competition. The approach got him incredibly far ... Continue Reading
Dr. Jordan Feigenbaum: What We Get Wrong About Pain
Jordan Feigenbaum is an accomplished powerlifter and strength coach and the founder of Barbell Medicine. In 2016, Feigenbaum received his doctorate of medicine from the Eastern Virginia Medical School and ... Continue Reading
Best Bodyweight Suspension Straps
Bodyweight suspension straps are an increasingly popular tool used to get a full body, low impact workout. These convenient straps do not take up a lot of space, and most are built to be installed over a ... Continue Reading
Five More Athletes Suspended Due to CrossFit Drug Policy Breach
On Sunday, CrossFit HQ shared a press release that provided the names of five athletes who have received suspensions due to drug policy breaches. The five athletes include: Gabor Torok, Vincent Lopez, ... Continue Reading
Bodybuilder Juan Morel Wins 2019 Japan Pro
Thanks to promoter and Japanese bodybuilding legend Hidetada Yamagishi, the IFBB Pro League was brought to the Land of the Rising Sun for the 2019 Japan Pro show. There were three divisions contested at ... Continue Reading
Julius Maddox Breaks the All-Time Raw Bench Record with 337.5 kg (744.1 pounds)
The people at Big Tex Gym in Austin, Texas this past weekend were able to witness something that has never been done before and something that has happened twice in the past 60 days. Back in September, ... Continue Reading
Best Plate Storage Racks
When building out your dream home gym, it's easy to get wrapped up in the "fun" pieces of equipment. Squat racks, benches, dumbbells, and pretty much everything else is more exciting than plate storage ... Continue Reading
6 Serious Battle Rope Circuits to Build Your Core and Shoulders
Ah, battle ropes. The simultaneous dread and delight of all my personal training clients — and me! While they may look all innocent, laying there on the ground waiting for a badass like you to pick them ... Continue Reading
The 4-Move Circuit for a Bulletproof Rotator Cuff
The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that help to maintain shoulder health and stability. Contrary to popular belief, you don't want a strong rotator cuff, you want a stable ... Continue Reading
5 Kettlebell Circuits That Will Maximize Your Endurance
So you’re a lifter who needs to boost your endurance because you’ve realized that when you’re grinding out that last rep, it helps to have a killer cardio system backing you up. Or you’re an endurance ... Continue Reading