A torn pec can put an athlete out of commission for weeks or even months, and it doesn’t just happen to powerlifters. After coming second worldwide in the Open, Noah Ohlsen’s performance at the 2017 ... Continue Reading
Here’s What Changed in the IWF’s 2018 Rule Book
The International Weightlifting Federation has made some updates to their official rule book, “Technical and Competition Rules and Regulations.” The 2018 update was just released on New Year’s Day, and ... Continue Reading
IWF Provisionally Suspends Oleg Chen for Doping Violation
The International Weightlifting Federation has provisionally suspended Russian weightlifter Oleg Chen due to a violation of the IWF’s anti-doping policy. The IWF hasn’t said much about the circumstances ... Continue Reading
Review: “Born Strong” Is the Deepest Strongman Documentary Yet
There are a lot of well-made documentaries about strongmen, like Eddie Hall’s Eddie Strongman, Brian Shaw’s Tossing Kegs on 7 Meals a Day, and Hafthor Bjornsson's screentime in The Giants of Iceland. ... Continue Reading
How to Vote for the IWF’s Lifter of the Year
It’s January, which means the International Weightlifting Federation has opened up voting for the 2017 IWF Lifter of the Year — and the competition is fierce. The 2016 winners were Iran’s Kianoush ... Continue Reading
John Haack Smokes a 227.5kg (501 lb) Bench PR
John Haack is wasting no time pushing new strength feats in 2018 with his latest training PR on the bench press. Haack is no stranger to pushing big weight, and he recently surpassed a huge bench milestone ... Continue Reading
Check Out Pete Rubish’s Latest 220kg Bench Press PR
Powerlifter Pete Rubish is currently in prep for a meet that will take place in a little less than three weeks. He'll be competing at the USPA Tennessee Classic on January 13th. Rubish regularly competes ... Continue Reading
Hafthor Bjornsson Deadlifts 390kg for a Speedy Five Reps
Professional strongman Hafthor Bjornsson, aka "The Mountain", has taken little time off from training heavy after the holiday season. All throughout this fall and winter Bjornsson has been on a war path to ... Continue Reading
Alan Thrall Teaches Us How to Overhead Press Efficiently
Alan Thrall, aka Untamed Strength on YouTube, does a phenomenal job at putting out informational content for the strength community. Thrall is a powerlifter and a strength coach who regularly creates ... Continue Reading
Larry “Wheels” Williams Benches 225 lbs for Max Reps. Can You Guess How Many He Made?
If you had to guess how many reps world record holding powerlifter Larry "Wheels" Williams got on an AMRAP 225 lb bench press, what would you guess? To give some context and to aid in your guess, the top ... Continue Reading
Matt Sohmer Squats 805 lbs for Three Easy Singles
New York based powerlifter Matt Sohmer is no stranger to moving heavy weight. He's continually proven that he has a very bright future ahead of him, and his latest squat video furthers this point. In fact, ... Continue Reading
Watch 17 Year-Old Powerlifter Alex Pavlov Squat 675 Pounds
It's not every day a lifter makes a milestone lift, and when they do, it's always better to do it surrounded (and spotted) by friends. And that's probably what makes Alex Pavlov's latest squat PR so ... Continue Reading
Weightlifting Throwback: Leonid Taranenko Attempts a 270 Clean & Jerk!
On Christmas Eve, the best weightlifting video we've seen — or at least most interesting, the actual resolution isn't anything to write home about — is a true throwback. It's a video from the 1987 European ... Continue Reading
Research Suggests Whole Eggs Better for Muscle Building Compared to Egg Whites
The day and age of eggs getting a bad rap in the public eye seems to be coming to a close. In the strength world, eggs are often called the "perfect protein" because of their natural bioavailability, full ... Continue Reading
25 Days of Gifting: BarBend Banner & Apparel!
To continue our 25 Days of Gifting extravaganza, BarBend is giving away a gym banner and apparel package! One lucky winner will receive a full-size BarBend banner, perfect for hanging in your home, ... Continue Reading
Things Strength Athletes Hear When They Go Home for the Holidays
"When are you getting engaged?" and "Oh wow, you look great, have you lost weight?" These are the common questions and statements that most receive when they go home for the holidays, but not everyone ... Continue Reading
Vlad Alhazov Squats 465kg (1,023 lbs) for an Insanely Heavy Double
Before reading on, we guarantee this will probably be the heaviest squat set you see today. Ukrainian powerlifter Vlad Alhazov is pretty well known for moving insane amounts of weight. Back in July, he ... Continue Reading
25 Days of Gifting: Wags & Weights Apparel Package!
To continue our 25 Days of Gifting extravaganza, BarBend and Wags & Weights are teaming up to give one lucky winner an apparel package with gifts perfect for cold weather training! Wags & ... Continue Reading
CrossFit Games Announces Liftoff Winners. How Do Your Lifts Compare?
Earlier today, the CrossFit Games announced the two champions for this year's CrossFit Liftoff. The two newly-crowned Champs are Cameron Pernich and Kelsey Kiel, both of whom have Reebok CrossFit Games ... Continue Reading
4 Underrated Accessory Exercises for Weightlifters
There's no shortage of coaches who are convinced that weightlifters only ever need to perform a handful of exercises to become the best athlete possible, but what about the more unusual accessory movements ... Continue Reading
4 Benefits of Glute Ham Raises
In this article we will discuss four primary benefits of the glute ham raise, which is often seen in strength, power, and fitness sports accessory programming. This movement, which can done in a wide array ... Continue Reading
Watch Olympic Weightlifter Benjamin Hennequin Compete in Powerlifting
French weightlifter Benjamin Hennequin made his name in strength sports as an 85kg weightlifter on the international stage, and he represented his country at multiple Olympic Games, making his first ... Continue Reading
Final Release Date Announced for the Reebok CrossFit® Nano 8
New shoes continue to drop as we progress into the holiday season. Earlier today, Reebok officially announced the final release dates and details for the Reebok CrossFit® Nano 8. This release is coming ... Continue Reading
Lasha Talakhadze Shows Off Insane Raw Strength with 310-Kilogram Clean Pull
Sure, Georgian superheavyweight Lasha Talakhadze can snatch and total more than anyone in history, so we shouldn't be too surprised when the Olympic and World Champion shows off some insane strength. But ... Continue Reading