How much time have you spent thinking about your Olympic lifts? These thoughts could involve your programming, current lifting status, where you want your lifts to be, and areas you may be lacking in. ... Continue Reading
The Pitfalls of Social Media In the World of Strength and Fitness
With the age of social media, we’re bombarded by the lives and experiences of everyone around us. It’s difficult to scroll through Facebook or Instagram without seeing a picture or video of someone hitting ... Continue Reading
Janis Finkelman PRs With 27 Pull-Ups, One Year After a Bicep Tear
Pull-ups are freaking awesome for becoming a better powerlifter. The lats are great for helping stabilize the spine — so they help contribute to better core stability for squats and deadlifts — they're ... Continue Reading
Mat Fraser Talks Back Surgery, Chest Hair Aesthetics, and Electronic Muscle Stimulation
Mat Fraser, the winner of the 2017 Reebok CrossFit Games and Fittest Man on Earth™, stopped by the Reebok CrossFit Games Update Studio to answer a few questions from Facebook and Instagram. Here are some ... Continue Reading
This Is Why You Should Only Do Bar Muscle-Ups On Straight Bars
Editor's Note: Before proceeding into this article, we want to give full disclosure that the video below isn't for the faint of heart. If injuries upset you, then we suggest not watching the video, or ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Andrey Malanichev Discusses Insane Diet on Russian Talk Show
Russian powerlifter Andrey Malanichev recently appeared on Soviet Sports' live talk show, which is a Russian sport news outlet that cover a variety of sports. If you don't know Malanichev, he's the current ... Continue Reading
Inverted Rows At Home/Bodyweight Options
The inverted row is a versatile and widely available bodyweight movement that can be done nearly anywhere, with very little equipment and set up. In this article we will discuss a few options to perform ... Continue Reading
Why Some Women Pee Mid-Workout (and What to Do About It)
Let’s set the scene: you just screwed your heels into the floor, your hands are chalked up, your fingers wrapped courageously around the barbell, you close your eyes, nod affirmatively to yourself, and ... Continue Reading
Hafthor “The Mountain” Bjornsson Sets New Weight Over Bar World Record
Though it's technically the "Off Season" for many top strongman competitors, World's Strongest Man podium finisher Hafthor Bjornsson (known to many fans as "The Mountain" on HBO's Game of Thrones ... Continue Reading
Why Strongman Training Is Ideal for Building Football Players
I have made my living working with high school and college athletes for the last three decades. Parents will look to private coaches to specifically improve the skill sets of athletes to increase their ... Continue Reading
Ian Wilson’s 285kg Squat PR Spells Big Things
Ian Wilson is a phenomenal weightlifter, and after taking some time off to recover from shoulder and knee surgeries, he has returned to PR city. Today we wanted to highlight his latest personal record, ... Continue Reading
5 Famous Games Athletes Before They Found CrossFit
Strength sports have a lot of carryover with each other, which means it's not impossible for an athlete to jump from sport to sport and excel. You're probably not going to see an elite soccer player make ... Continue Reading
Hylete Releases Workout Shoe With 3 “Interchangeable” Soles
It’s not quite as recognizable a name as Reebok or Nike, but Hylete have been making a name for themselves for functional workout gear since they were founded around five years ago. Perhaps best known for ... Continue Reading
MyProtein BCAA 4:1:1 Review — Why the Vitamin B6?
MyProtein is perhaps best known for their popular, inexpensive whey concentrate called Impact. (We also tried their more advanced version called TheWhey.) However, MyProtein has seven different branch ... Continue Reading
Check Out Who’s Representing the USA at the World Weightlifting Championships
The IWF World Championships are quickly approaching, and if you didn't already know, this year the championships are being held on American soil at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California. The ... Continue Reading
World Anti-Doping Agency Clears 95 of the 96 Russian Athletes They Were Reviewing
Sports fans who demanded justice for Russia’s astonishing doping scandal may have to wait a little longer. The New York Times is reporting that the World Anti-Doping Agency has agreed to clear 95 of the ... Continue Reading
17 Ways to Break Through a Stubborn Squat Plateau
The king of all lifts: the squat. A strong squat in strength sports is like owning a sports car in the real world. It's sought after by most, envied by many, and acts as somewhat of a social status ... Continue Reading
Is It Okay to “Bounce” Out of Your Squats?
To bounce, or not to bounce? Apparently, I've been squatting wrong all these years. I'm very ashamed to say it, but I have indeed been...bouncing! Wait a minute, do I not bounce ("rebound" or "catch the ... Continue Reading
Kickboxing Powerlifter Alex Simon Squats 425kg and Wins All His Fights by Knockout
Australian powerlifter Alex Simon is one of many top athletes around the world (including Eric Lilliebridge and Zahir Khudayarov) who are ramping up their training in preparation for Big Dogs 2, a meet ... Continue Reading
Clarence Kennedy Made an Ultimate Guide to the Snatch and Clean & Jerk
YouTube personality and weightlifter Clarence Kennedy has been generating a storm of content during his summer trip to North America, and while his squat battle with Nathan Damron was a lot of fun to ... Continue Reading
Bodytech BCAA & Glutamine Review — Why Add Vitamin C?
BodyTech is the in-house sports nutrition brand of Vitamin Shoppe, a popular supplement chain with over 750 stores in the United States. I've tried one of they protein powders, BodyTech Whey Pro 24, but ... Continue Reading
Australia Will Host 2017 Reebok CrossFit Invitational
CrossFit released some pretty big news yesterday about the 2017 Reebok CrossFit Invitational's location. This year the Invitational will take place in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. The official date of ... Continue Reading
Inverted Row Alternatives
In an earlier article we discuss the inverted row and everything it has to offer. While the inverted row is a valuable training exercise for nearly every goal and athlete, varying one’s training could be a ... Continue Reading
Nike Romaleos 2 Vs. Nike Romaleos 3
There's no denying that Nike has built a strong name for themselves in the strength world for their Nike Romaleos lifting shoes. The Nike Romaleos 2 were released around January 2012. After five years of ... Continue Reading