Thomas Davis, superheavyweight bench presser extraordinaire, has exceed the bench press world record in training. For a double. The bench behemoth posted this short clip of a recent training session ... Continue Reading
Kirill Sarychev Bench Presses 240kg For an Easy 6 Reps
Meanwhile in Mountain View, California, some of the strongest powerlifters in the world are competing at the WRPF Boss of Bosses V powerlifting meet taking place at Dan Green's Boss Barbell Club. Day one ... Continue Reading
What Is An EMOM Workout? And Why Is It Effective?
EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) workout programs are effective, time-efficient, and can be scaled to meet the needs of every level of lifter/athlete depending on their training goals and abilities. Most ... Continue Reading
Check Out Mark Bell’s Progress to the Bodybuilding Stage
If you're invested in the strength sports community on social media, then I'd bet there's a good chance you've seen at least some of Mark Bell's progress towards the bodybuilding stage over the last few ... Continue Reading
Dennis Cornelius Breezes Through a 360kg Triple In Prep for USAPL Raw Nationals
It wasn't too long ago that 120kg powerlifter Dennis Cornelius announced that he's beginning prep for 2018 USA Powerlifting Raw Nationals. In fact, Cornelius posted the Raw National announcement on July ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Jessica Buettner Deadlifts a Fast 212.5kg Double
Midnight workouts. Are they the key to more strength gains? Most would probably argue that lifting that late would be extremely tough, but powerlifter Jessica Buettner continues to prove that she makes it ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Gabriel Torrence Reminds Us to Never Give Up
When it comes to iconic powerlifting duos, who comes to mind? For us, one of our favorite training duos to watch and follow are powerlifting coach Bruce Orlando Leaupepe and his athlete Gabriel Torrence. ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Melissa Barber (57kg) Deadlifts a Fast and Strong 208kg
The bar is set, and the weight is moving for 57kg powerlifter Melissa Barber. This isn't the first time we've written about one of Barber's monstrous deadlifts, and we're guessing that it's nowhere near ... Continue Reading
Larry Wheels Blows the Internet’s Mind With 585 lb Incline Bench Press
It seems like every time we open our Instagram page, there's another video of Larry "Wheels" Williams hitting another mind blowing training PR. Whether it's on the bench press, squat, or deadlift, it ... Continue Reading
Paralympian Siamand Rahman Bench Presses 295kg for 3 Reps
Iranian powerlifter Siamand Rahman has been moving big weight for a long time, but this recent feat of strength caught our attention. Currently, Rahman is in prep for the third Asian Paralympic Games, ... Continue Reading
A 905lb Squat: Can Joe Sullivan Take the World Record?
Powerlifter Joe Sullivan had a momentous squat PR this weekend, becoming one of the few humans on Earth to have crossed the 900-pound barrier. Watch a solid example of beast mode in the clip below, with a ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Kristy Hawkins (165 lbs) Deadlifts a Huge 573 lbs
Over the last few weeks, the big lifts have been flowing out of Dan Green's Boss Barbell Club in Mountain View, California. The latest sizable personal record comes from 75kg/165 lb powerlifter Kristy ... Continue Reading
Try Powerlifter Jen Thompson’s Favorite Tip for a Stronger Bench Press
When it comes to improving on the bench press, few athletes know about that process more than powerlifting legend Jenn Thompson. She's considered a technician on the bench press, aka an athlete who's ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Kevin Oak Squats 365kg (804 lbs) for 3-Rep PR
It's safe to say powerlifter Kevin Oak is back in his normal heavy weight moving groove. Over the last few weeks, Oak has been crushing big lifts in prep for his next powerlifting meet, which is set to be ... Continue Reading
Holy Hamstrings: Joe Sullivan Hits a 275kg 20-Second Eccentric Deadlift
If your hamstrings are already tight, then prepare for what you're about to see. Powerlifter Joe Sullivan just hit one of the longer eccentric deadlifts that we've seen with a massive 275kg (605 lbs). In ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Eric Lilliebridge Hits a Huge 451kg (994 lbs) Squat
Does powerlifter Eric Lilliebridge stand the weight up, or does he push the earth down? After his latest squat video, we're starting to question the laws of physics. Lilliebridge is currently in prep for ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Andrew Herbert Smokes a 435kg (959 lb) Squat Single
One of the heaviest weekends of the year is coming, and it's in the form of the fifth edition of the Boss of Bosses powerlifting meet. On August 24-25th, some of the world's best powerlifters will be ... Continue Reading
Watch Bobb Matthews Pause Back Squat 405 lbs for 20-Seconds
For strength athletes, few things can cause a stronger feeling of anxiety than a long paused back squat, so be prepared when scrolling onward. In Bobb Mathews latest video, he pause squats a strong 183kg ... Continue Reading
Throwback to Chad Wesley Smith’s 2,000 lb Total In 37-Seconds
In some powerlifting federations, meets can take all day, which leaves a lot of down time in-between for both athletes and fans. After watching the CrossFit Total yesterday at the 2018 Reebok CrossFit ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Amanda Lawrence Hits Deadlift Triples of 218kg for 4 Sets
It's been a little over a month since we covered one of junior powerlifter Amanda Lawrence's big lifts or sets. When athletes think "PR", a lot of the times the thoughts go directly towards 1-RM max sets ... Continue Reading
6 Ways to Eccentrically Load Exercises and Their Advantages
In respects to different types of muscle contractions, there are four that folks generally know and these include: Concentric, eccentric, isometric, and isotonic. While every type of muscle contraction can ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Christine Castro (66kg) Deadlifts a Strong Beltless 200kg
When was the last time you ran a mock meet for your training? Have you ever done it beltless? Yesterday, Canadian powerlifter Christine Castro shared a beltless mock meet on her Instagram page that ... Continue Reading
Cailer Woolam Back to Moving Weight; Pulls Very Fast 400kg Single
The doctor will see you now. Powerlifter Cailer Woolam, aka @Doctor.Deadlift per his Instagram page, shared a big deadlift video recently that has many powerlifting fans optimistic about his progress back ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Keith McHoney Smokes a Raw 4x Bodyweight Squat
Over the weekend, powerlifter Keith McHoney took the platform at the 2018 USA Powerlifting Palmetto Powerlifting Classic. At the meet, McHoney weighed in at 68kg (150 lbs) and he put in work on the ... Continue Reading