Last weekend, Australian based powerlifter Liz Craven hit a big personal best on the competition platform. Craven competed in the Deadlift Pro at the Australian Fitness Show, which was a fitness expo that ... Continue Reading
Isabella von Weissenberg Squats 207.5kg (457.5 lbs), 7.5kg Over Her WR
At the BarBend office, it's pretty much come routine writing about Swedish powerlifter Isabella von Weissenberg's monstrous squats and deadlifts. In early March, Weissenberg competed at the Arnold ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Gerald Dionio Sumo Deadlifts 288kg (635 lb) for a Double
Gerald Dionio, aka Tiny N Tuff on Instagram, is hitting some huge lifts in prep for the Kern US Open. This year, the Kern US Open is taking place on May 12th-13th in San Diego, California, so we're less ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Cailer Woolam Pulls a Strong 382.5kg (843 lb) Conventional Deadlift
Cailer Woolam, aka Doctor Deadlift, is proving once again that his Instagram handle is a pretty good fit. Two days ago on his Instagram story, Woolam teased the question of whether or not he could hit a 20 ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Cyprian Thompson Jr. Squats 408kg (900 lb) for a PR Double
In this day and age, there tend to be very few athletes who can fly under the radar and squat 408kg (900 lbs) for multiple reps. Powerlifting athlete Cyprian Thompson Jr. is one of those lifters, and he's ... Continue Reading
Andrew Herbert Squats 415kg (915 lbs) for a Double (15 lbs Over All-Time WR)
Powerlifter Andrew Herbert is pushing new limits in his latest training videos. Less than four weeks out from the Kern US Open, Herbert recently hit one of his heaviest wrapped doubles to date. In the ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Larry “Wheels” Williams Makes a Lifetime Deadlift PR With 900 Pounds
For most people, new personal records are a rare thing, the product of untold hours of patience, dedication, and hard work. A PR is a fleeting glimpse of improvement in weeks, months, or years of dreary ... Continue Reading
4 Times You Might Want to Use Partial Reps
Some rules are made to be broken: Like only eat tacos on Tuesday (we’re here for #TacoThursday) and don’t wear white before Labor Day (go ahead and put on those white lifters). Here’s another rule it can ... Continue Reading
4 Signs You Need a New Pair of Weightlifting Shoes
By now, we think we’ve made a pretty good case for why you should invest in a pair of weightlifting shoes. When compared to your plain old Chuck Taylors (which, to be fair, are pretty great for ... Continue Reading
First PR in 2 Years: Jonnie Candito Deadlifts 3.7x Bodyweight
“Did giving up ever become an option for (me)? Absolutely.” If you’ve ever been frustrated that you’re not making progress as quickly as you like — and let’s be honest, that’s probably every single ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Vincent Falzetta Deadlifts 272kg (610 lb) for a 4x Bodyweight Double
Powerlifter Vincent Falzetta has been crushing big numbers in his training leading up to the Kern US Open. Now, a little over a month out from the meet, he's putting up some of his best numbers to date in ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Daniella Melo Deadlifts a Huge 240kg (530 lb) Lifetime PR
As the old saying goes, when it rains it pours. This is our second time writing about an athlete's strong deadlift performance in two consecutive weeks, and we're not going to lie, we don't hate it. ... Continue Reading
Rep Ranges for Strength, Hypertrophy, and Cutting
In this article we will discuss the key repetition ranges for gaining strength, muscle hypertrophy (general and for strength and power-based athletes), and for cutting phases (aesthetics and/or for sport ... Continue Reading
Larry Wheels PRs His Deadlift With 870lb at 270lb
At 3.2 times his bodyweight, powerlifter Larry “Wheels” Williams has set a personal record in the deadlift: 870 pounds (394.6kg) while weighing 270 pounds (122.5kg). For one of the strongest bodybuilders ... Continue Reading
Deadlift Party: Cailer Woolam, Larry Wheels, Jujimufu, and Tom Cruise Max Out
Alright, this may or may not be one of the cumulatively heaviest deadlift articles we've ever written. Over the weekend, a few of strength sports most notable athletes met up for an excursion of lifting ... Continue Reading
What Is Hypertrophy? – Definition
In this article we will discuss muscle hypertrophy, a scientific term used to describe the physiological process of new muscle tissue development. Muscle hypertrophy is a key training process for every ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Melissa Barber Pulls a Huge 206kg (455 lb) at 57kg (127 lb) Bodyweight
If you read this title and thought, "Hey didn't I just see an article similar to this?" Our answer would be yes, yes you did. Less than a week ago, we wrote on 56/57kg powerlifting athlete Melissa ... Continue Reading
Hips Or Knees: Which Should Break First In the Squat?
Chicken or the egg, which came first? The knees and hips argument has raged on since the dawn of time, well, at least since we started barbell squatting. On social media and other online outlets, it can ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Daniella Melo Pulls a Smooth 495 lb Deadlift Triple
It hasn't taken long for -84kg powerlifter Daniella Melo to get back under and over the bar to perform impressive strength feats. About a month ago, we wrote on Melo's strong performance at the USA ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Stefanie Cohen Strapless Deadlifts 505 lbs for Three Reps
Powerlifter Stefanie Cohen has once again shaken up the online strength community with her insane deadlift strength. In her latest video, Cohen pulled a deadlift weight that she's hit before, but for ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Melissa Barber Deadlifts 201kg (445 lbs) at 57kg (127 lbs) Bodyweight
At 56kg/57kg bodyweight, powerlifter Melissa Barber has been crushing some heavy deadlifts in her latest training videos. Her last Instagram video highlights a 201kg (445 lb) PR single at a bodyweight of ... Continue Reading
Janis Finkelman Deadlifts 440 lbs for Four Easy Triples
Powerlifter Janis Finkelman is setting herself up to have an explosive 2018 judging from her latest training videos. Her latest video shines light on her epic deadlift strength and features four strong and ... Continue Reading
Tom Kallas Squats a World Record 815lb at 198lb Bodyweight
American powerlifter Tom Kallas made a squat of 815 pounds (369.7 kilograms) at an American Powerlifting Federation (APF) meet held in Cincinnati. The squat was made raw with knee wraps, making it an ... Continue Reading
Isabella von Weissenberg Smokes a 200kg Squat Single and Deadlift Triple
It's safe to say that Swedish powerlifter Isabella von Weissenberg has been absolutely crushing the month of March. Hot off breaking the IPF -72kg Classic Women's Open squat world record, Weissenberg has ... Continue Reading