The landmine is an incredibly versatile piece of equipment and can be used to train just about any body part with enough creativity. A solid landmine base will accommodate every type of barbell and will be ... Continue Reading
The Thrilling History of the First 1,000-Pound Squat
I was simultaneously shocked and shamed by the site’s recent post on Jackson Powell. For those who haven’t seen it, Powell, a 17-year-old powerlifter from Tennessee, recently posted a video on Instagram of ... Continue Reading
7 Tips For Maintaining Muscle Mass Without the Gym
If you heard “shelter in place” and immediately translated it into “no gym,” you’re not alone. Strength athletes of all kinds are trying to adapt to being socially distanced from lifting communities and ... Continue Reading
Best At Home Foam Roller Workouts
There is a lot of content out there about foam rollers and the best ways to use them for almost to aid every part of the body. Be it upper or lower, from glutes to calves, for active and sedentary people ... Continue Reading
Calling All Weightlifters, the Nike Romaleos 4 Are Officially Out
Over the last week, there has been a fair amount of news that's circulated about the Nike Romaleos 4 weightlifting shoes. From athlete sneak peaks in regard to what they look like, to a shaky release ... Continue Reading
Dr. Andy Galpin: The Art of Training Our Muscle Fibers (Podcast)
Dr. Andy Galpin is a tenured Professor in the Center for Sport Performance at CSU Fullerton. In 2011, he earned his PhD in Human Bioenergetics and has done incredible work in regard to muscle fibers and ... Continue Reading
How to Strength Train for Your 5K (and Why You Should)
To get better at running, you need to run. And to get stronger, you need to lift weights and when you combine the two, you’ll get even better at both. (Especially at running. Strength makes you ... Continue Reading
Watch Powerlifter Brandon Striegel Deadlift 700lbs For a Set Of 6
You might not have heard of Brandon Striegel yet as he only hit the competitive powerlifting scene last year when he debuted at the Revolution Powerlifting Syndicate (RPS) Kentucky Open Powerlifting ... Continue Reading
World Games Postponed Until 2022 To Avoid Conflict With Olympic Games
According to an announcement by the International World Games Association (IWGA), the 11th edition of The World Games originally scheduled to be held in Birmingham, Alabama on July 15th-25th in 2021 has ... Continue Reading
Single Kettlebell and Bodyweight At Home Workout Program
Here’s a fun and dynamic conditioning workout that you can complete at home with just a single kettlebell and your own bodyweight. If you are new to circuit training, be sure to take your time to get the ... Continue Reading
5 At Home Exercises to Strengthen Adductors
Gyms are closed for many of us around the world and we're limited to training within our own homes. Some have equipment and others do not, which means creativity is a must to continue progressing toward ... Continue Reading
Joe Yoon: Better Stretching and Mobility (Podcast)
Joe Yoon, probably better known as "Joe Therapy" through his massive social media following, is a trainer and massage therapist who's one of the fitness industry's most visible personalities when it comes ... Continue Reading
CNN’s Chris Cuomo Is Very Jacked and Has Been Posting His Quarantine Workouts
Something very important has escaped our attention for too long: Chris Cuomo, CNN anchor and presenter of Cuomo Prime Time, is jacked. It came to the attention of a lot of people the ... Continue Reading
Best Heart Rate Monitors
Heart rate monitors, whether wrapped around your torso or your wrist, can give you an accurate assessment of how many beats per minute your heart is pumping at any point during the day. Most heart rate ... Continue Reading
Weightlifter Li Fabin (61kg) Clean & Jerks 180kg/397lb, Sets Unofficial World Record
Li Fabin, the 27 year old weightlifter from China, competes in the -61kg weight class and was expected to post some huge numbers at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games before they were postponed until 2021 due to ... Continue Reading
Op-Ed: How Gyms Can Compensate Trainers Through Social Distancing and Beyond
Gone are the days of hustling to sign up 50 new clients for your six-week transformation challenge: It’s time to focus on client and coach retention. I admit, I’m no expert on running a gym amidst a ... Continue Reading
Study: Muscle Memory Will Help Us Bounce Back Faster In the Gym
Gym are closed indefinitely and a lot of questions have stirred about loss of gains and the rate in which they'll come back when gyms re-open. Unfortunately, there's not really a golden "all the time" rule ... Continue Reading
Dan Solomon Interview: 2020 Olympia Is Full Speed Ahead
The coronavirus pandemic has taken its toll on the entire sports world with several major events being postponed. Events like the 2020 Olympics, the Kern US Open, and several CrossFit Sanctionals have had ... Continue Reading
7 Barbell Back Exercises That Are NOT the Deadlift
The barbell is an excellent training tool. You can load it up with a lot of weight, control it with two hands, and perform a myriad of moves with it. Yet, when when it comes to heavy barbell lifting, most ... Continue Reading
Larry Wheels Overhead Presses a Couch, a Ladder, and Two People
Larry Wheels is one of the most well-known powerlifters in the game and for good reason. The man spends his time hanging out and eating sushi with some of the strongest men on the planet, Eddie Hall and ... Continue Reading
Chad Vaughn: At-Home Training for Weightlifters
Chad Vaughn is a multi-time Olympian and one of the most accomplished weightlifters in American history. He joins the BarBend Podcast to discuss how weightlifters can stay strong, mobile, and fast when ... Continue Reading
Wodapalooza Organizers Launch Online Fitness Competition to Raise Funds for Those Affected By Pandemic
In response to the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic compelling the cancelation or postponement of many major events, including (of course) the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games and a handful of CrossFit ... Continue Reading
Julius Maddox Performs 400 Reps of the Bench Press in One Workout
Julius Maddox is on a quest to be the first man to bench press 800 pounds raw and as of this writing, he is still scheduled to make that attempt on May 30 in Kalamazoo, Michigan. However, the COVID-19 ... Continue Reading
Hafthor Bjornsson’s 501 kg Deadlift Attempt Rescheduled, Set to Live Stream
While Hafthor Bjornsson was training to defend his Arnold Strongman Classic title earlier this year, he had announced that he had set another goal: break Eddie Hall’s world record of 500 kg in the ... Continue Reading