It looks like Jezza Uepa is interested in adding some more world records to his resume. The 37-year-old powerlifter from the tiny Micronesian nation of Nauru (population: 10,000) is training hard for ... Continue Reading
Watch John Cena Deadlift Jimmy Fallon On the Tonight Show
This may not be a new world record lift, but it's definitely a first for Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon and guest star John Cena. In a recent interview on the show, Fallon brings up Cena's viral 600+ lb ... Continue Reading
Andrei Aramnau Cut Off a Finger to Compete in Weightlifting
The story of Andrei Aramnau is an interesting one, and a brand new interview on his YouTube channel is shedding some light onto his past — and raising questions about his future. Aramnau hails from ... Continue Reading
Romanian Deadlift Rep Ranges and Weight Recommendations
In previous articles we have discussed the origins, purpose, and unique benefits that the Romanian deadlift has to offer for all strength, power, and fitness sports athletes. When going back through the ... Continue Reading
2017 Junior World Weightlifting Championships: U.S. Team, Schedule, & How to Watch
The IWF Junior World Championships start this Friday, June 16th in Tokyo and runs for an entire week, and we’ve heard it from the folks at USA Weightlifting themselves: CJ Cummings may be gearing up ... Continue Reading
Dimitar Savatinov One-Arm Presses 143kg for New World Record
This weekend at the St Mary's Stadium in Southhampton, England, the Ultimate Strongman Summermania contest took place. Ten of strongman's top athletes went head-to-head in a series of five events with one ... Continue Reading
Could This 3D Tracking Technology Create the Perfect Weightlifter?
As strength sports have grown, so has the selection of technology coaches, scientists, and athletes can use to perfect their lifts. From force plates to infrared cameras, the industry continues to improve ... Continue Reading
Green Vibrance Vs. Pure Synergy — Algae and Mushrooms or Probiotics?
Green Vibrance and Pure Synergy are wildly different greens powder that have very different target audiences. Pure Synergy has a vaguely New Age-y vibe, promising "perfect nutritional potency" ... Continue Reading
Muscle Snatch vs Power Snatch – Benefits and When to Use
Olympic weightlifters have a toolbox of lifts to choose from when determining the best approach to increase one of their competition lifts (snatch and clean and jerk) and/or complete totals (snatch + clean ... Continue Reading
5 Lessons I Learned About Training from Not Being Able to Train
As an athlete who eats, sleeps, and breathes training, nothing feels worse than not being able to do what I love doing. Training is such an instrumental part of my life that even a day missed leaves me ... Continue Reading
Muscle Feast Grass-Fed Whey Isolate Review — Why So Cheap?
You won’t find Muscle Feast in GNC or Vitamin Shoppe because it’s a wholesale brand — that means it’s cheaper to buy, but harder to get. But they have a strong following online and great reviews from ... Continue Reading
4 Tips for Training Masters Weightlifters
Along with the continuous participation growth of Olympic Weightlifting at the Youth, Junior, and Senior levels, we are also seeing an increased interest in Masters level competition. For those of you who ... Continue Reading
Paleo Power Meals Review
Paleo Power Meals is a paleo meal delivery service based in Massachusetts. The company was started by Michael DePaolis, who started CrossFit while eating paleo, and eventually fell enough in love with the ... Continue Reading
Judge Rules the NSCA Made False Statements About the Safety of CrossFit
CrossFit has just won a significant victory in a legal battle with the National Strength and Conditioning Association, as a court has agreed the NSCA deliberately made a "false statement" about the safety ... Continue Reading
2020 Tokyo Olympics: Gender Equality for Weightlifting, But Men Lose Weight Class
In a press release published on the International Olympic Committee's website, the IOC announced the total number of weightlifting athletes at the 2020 Tokyo Games will be reduced to 196 (compared to 260 ... Continue Reading
Only 6 People Have Officially Clean & Jerked Triple Bodyweight (in Competition)
If you can clean & jerk your bodyweight, you're no longer a novice at Olympic weightlifting. If you clean & jerk double your bodyweight, depending on how much you weigh, you’re likely approaching ... Continue Reading
Snatch Grip 101 – Hook Grip, Proper Width, and More
The snatch is a highly technical movement that can be affected by the slightest of errors in the set up, pull, transitions, recovery, and timing. Often overlooked is the first, and very critical phase of ... Continue Reading
5 Reasons Why Everyone Should Train With Gymnastic Rings
In the wide world of fitness, where there’s a different contraption for isolating almost every individual muscle in the body, the idea of two rings hanging in the air, each suspended by a strap, seems ... Continue Reading
How Corvette Racing Pit Crew Uses CrossFit Training to Boost Performance
Everyone can benefit from improving their fitness levels, and in pretty much every profession, as evidenced by this Chevy pit crew. A recent article shared by Autoweek highlights a pit crew using CrossFit® ... Continue Reading
Dymatize Iso 100 Review (2025): Expert-Reviewed and Lab-Tested
While we’ve uncovered plenty of the best protein powders over the years, we understand that not every supp is the perfect puzzle piece for everyone’s fitness picture. For example, athletes ... Continue Reading
Throwback: Hafthor Bjornsson Spars with Connor McGregor
If you’ve ever wanted to see Conor McGregor on Game of Thrones, this is as close as you’ll get. The video below of McGregor and Hafthor Bjornsson — who, of course, plays menacing kind-of-zombie The ... Continue Reading
5 Tips for Becoming a Pro Strongman Athlete
One of the first things I hear from new strongmen and women is: “I’m going to get my pro card.” Many times, they don’t even make it to Nationals. And that is a shame. I don’t gloat or think, “I told ... Continue Reading
Position USA Weightlifting Shoe Review
Position USA weightlifting shoes are relatively new to the lifting world, but have already become a very recognizable shoe in the U.S.. Unlike Adidas, Nike, and some of the larger brands, ... Continue Reading
What’s the Best Time to Work Out? (For Strength, Power, and Fat Loss)
What's the best time to work out? The short answer: It depends. I'm currently in that awkward transition between switching from evening workouts to morning, and I'm not going to lie, it hasn't ... Continue Reading