Every year the World Raw Powerlifting Federation organizes a World Championship, which is part of the SN Pro Strong Expo, held in Moscow, Russia. This year the expo took place November 15-20th and ... Continue Reading
Larysa Soloviova Sets Three NEW Records at IPF World Open Powerlifting Championships
This year’s World Open Powerlifting Championships in Orlando, Florida has been one for the record books, literally. With only three days left in the competition, there's not much time left to check out ... Continue Reading
Want Optimal Testosterone Levels? Eat More of This
Strength athletes and the fitness industry at large just cannot stop talking about testosterone. And why should they? Healthy testosterone levels are incredibly important, and not only for ... Continue Reading
The Top 6 Fitness Mannequin Challenges (So Far)
There's no question that social media has become a dominant force in our society. It's one of the few things that can cause the nation to come together and partake in similar challenges and movements. For ... Continue Reading
NFL Player Michael Pierce Squats 725 lbs Unbelted
No matter what role you have in the strength community - impressive feats of strength should always be awarded with respect and pats on the back. Michael Pierce, defensive tackle for the Baltimore Ravens, ... Continue Reading
Strongman Eddie Hall Bench Presses 584 Pounds for 6 Reps!
Eddie Hall is the world's greatest strongman-style deadlifter (as evidenced by his record breaking 500kg pull this past July). Now, the British strongman — who made the podium for the first time at this ... Continue Reading
Watch Larry Williams Crush the Powerlifting Total Record at 242 Pounds
Larry Williams — or Larry “Wheels” Williams as many know him — has been making waves in powerlifting since his teenage years. Now, 21, Williams from Bronx, NY, made a big statement this past ... Continue Reading
Ray Williams Just Squatted Insane Weight for a Double
Look, there's not a whole lot more we can say about powerlifter Ray Williams without sounding like a broken record. On October 16th, Williams became the first person to squat 1,000 pounds ... Continue Reading
Luke Richardson: The Teenage British Powerlifter Phenom You Need to Know
Luke Richardson is a STRONG teenage British powerlifter. At the young age of 19, Richardson has already built an impressive resume of lifts with a 320.5kg (705 lb) junior squat record, 330kg (726 lb) ... Continue Reading
Siamand Rahman Does Insane Things in the Bench Press
Siamand Rahman is in a class by himself. The paralympic powerlifter and two-time defending Paralympic Champion is, depending on who you ask, one of the world's most dominant strength athletes. The question ... Continue Reading
Eugen Sandow Was a Groundbreaking Strength Pioneer and Father of Bodybuilding
Eugen Sandow is known as "The Father of Bodybuilding," and he acquired that title for good reason. Not only was Sandow strong, but he developed revolutionary strength training processes for his time ... Continue Reading
How to Watch The 2016 World Open Powerlifting Championships
The 2016 World Open Powerlifting Championships will be held from November 13th to 19th in Orlando, Florida. This year, there are a recorded 255 competitors from 39 nations scheduled to compete: 145 men and ... Continue Reading
How Coffee Naturally Boosts Your Workout Performance
Coffee, noun; defined as a drink made from brewed and ground bean like seeds. For myself, and a lot of others we know coffee as a verb. “Did you see me coffee that PR?” and, “I need to seriously coffee ... Continue Reading
Andrey Malanichev Squats 1,069 Pounds for a New World Record (in Wraps)
Russian powerlifter Andrey Malanichev is arguably one of the greatest athletes his sport has ever seen. Malanichev generally competes raw with wraps and in federations that utilize a monolift ... Continue Reading
Lifters Rejoice: Strength Training Does The Brain Good
We’re well aware of the physical benefits exercise offers us. Strength training improves our muscular base, enhances our posture, creates stronger bones, and improves joint health. Cardiovascular training ... Continue Reading
The 3 Most Common Types of Training Periodization (and When to Use Them)
Very rarely is anything truly new in the strength training world, especially when it comes to programming. Yes, methods change and the industry perpetually matures, but the fundamental programming pillars ... Continue Reading
Milo Steinborn Is One Reason We Squat The Way We Do Today
When you hear the word grit, who do you think about? Probably some Wild West cowboy, which might actually make sense in this scenario. We could make a pretty good case that the early days of ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Adrian Larsen Bench Presses Motorcycle With a Passenger on Top
Adrian Larsen is a bench press specialist, and he's become one of the powerlifting world's best raw benchers without the use of leg drive. (Larsen was born with a condition that limited the use of his ... Continue Reading
Watch One of the Year’s Best Powerlifting Battles (Plus David Ricks’ Amazing Shoes)
It's a couple weeks after USA Powerlifting Raw Nationals in Atlanta, but we're still basking in the squat, bench, and deadlift glory from down South. And while super heavyweight Ray ... Continue Reading
Brooke Wells Deadlifts 425 Pounds (and Makes It Look Easy)
After the 2016 Reebok CrossFit Games — in which she finished 6th overall — 21 year old Brooke Wells went in a different direction with her training. To do so, she enlisted the help of CrossFit New England ... Continue Reading
Chris Duffin REPS 1,001 Pounds in the Sumo Deadlift
It's a big week for powerlifting, and if you're an athlete in and/or fan of the sport, you probably have your eyes set on USAPL Raw Nationals in Atlanta this weekend. But while there's some truly amazing ... Continue Reading
BarBend Black Snapbacks Now Available!
The BarBend Classic Black Snapback is currently out of stock. Made out of 100% cotton with raised BarBend "B" above the front brim and full "BarBend" logo in the back. It makes a statement about ... Continue Reading
World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Releases Its 2017 Prohibited List
Earlier this week, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) released their annual Prohibited List of banned substances and methods for drug-tested sports. The full list can be found here. A summary of the ... Continue Reading
Post-Activation Potentiation (PAP) Training for the Lower Body
The ability to develop lower-body power is no easy feat. We all have our natural abilities to develop power, but what do we do when we need more? When the sport or activity we partake in demands more to ... Continue Reading