Push-ups are a classic upper body building exercise that can be done almost anywhere. Push-up bars are a way to add a variety of grips, positions, and difficulty levels, not to mention making it easier on ... Continue Reading
Best Massage Balls
Massage balls are terrific, often portable tools that are great for working kinks and knots out of muscles. Typically made from rubber, massage balls differ in size, weight, and design, with some balls ... Continue Reading
Best Aquatic Dumbbells
If you're on the mission to improve strength and conditioning and love swimming on a regular basis, then you've probably used or thought about using aquatic dumbbells. These dumbbells are designed to ... Continue Reading
Best Triceps Pushdown Bars
The triceps contain different heads, and training them with multiple types of exercises will be your best bet for building strong arms. One of the best ways to build strong triceps is with the use of ... Continue Reading
Best Step Up Platforms
Step up platforms are a popular piece of exercise equipment that you'll see in virtually every big box commercial gym. Often times, they're used to help fitness enthusiasts perform step-focused workouts to ... Continue Reading
Best Lat Pulldown Bars
Lat pulldown bars are important tools for athletes looking to build their back. Lat pulldown bars come in a variety of shapes, designs, weights, lengths, and grips. The one commonality they all share is ... Continue Reading
Best Agility Hurdles
Agility hurdles are excellent tools for athletes who play on a field or court. They can improve an athlete’s ability to change direction sharply and often (basketball, football, tennis) or who need to ... Continue Reading
Best Sports Water Bottles
Whether it’s running, cycling, lifting weights, or doing yoga, staying hydrated during exercise is essential. Rather than spending a few bucks on a bottle of water every trip to the gym, it may be worth ... Continue Reading
The Best Exercise Balls For Beginners, Budget, And More
When imagining different ways of staying active and in shape, people often conjure images of barbells, weight plates, and treadmills. But exercise balls are also an affordable and versatile piece of ... Continue Reading
Best Resistance Bands With Handles
Resistance bands have a bevy of fitness benefits. They are usually made of rubber with varying elasticity to provide light resistance to heavy resistance. Basic resistance bands are just that; bands. The ... Continue Reading
Best Hot/Cold Pads
Hot/cold pads are usually microwaveable or heated bags or pads filled a gel that can also be cooled in the freezer to function as an ice pack. When applied superficially, they have shown to have some ... Continue Reading
Best Seated Row Bars
Seated row bars are usually metal cable attachments with a handle for each hand. When used properly, they enable exercises that can fill out and strengthen the traps, rhomboids, and lats. Although ... Continue Reading
Best Smart Scales
The biggest advantage to a WiFi or Bluetooth enabled smart scale is that your weigh-ins are automatically recorded via a phone app. For those with weight management goals, this long term information may be ... Continue Reading
Best Power Cages
Power cages — also referred to as power racks — are a home gym staple. In fact, you’d be hard pressed to find a great home gym that doesn’t have a well-equipped power cage in it. At BarBend, we like to ... Continue Reading
Best Speed Chutes
Speed chutes are cloth canopies that attach to a belt or harness on an athlete. When the athlete runs, the speed chute will function similar to a kite or a parachute, filling with air and increasing the ... Continue Reading
Best Barbell Grips
Barbell grips aim to improve a lifter’s grip strength. Barbell grips are thick cylindrical covers, usually made of rubber, that wrap around a barbell. The grips add diameter to the barbell which compels ... Continue Reading
Best Bodyweight Suspension Straps
Bodyweight suspension straps are an increasingly popular tool used to get a full body, low impact workout. These convenient straps do not take up a lot of space, and most are built to be installed over a ... Continue Reading
Best Plate Storage Racks
When building out your dream home gym, it's easy to get wrapped up in the "fun" pieces of equipment. Squat racks, benches, dumbbells, and pretty much everything else is more exciting than plate storage ... Continue Reading
Best Tricep Ropes
A tricep rope is an attachment for cable systems and can be used for a variety of exercises to target triceps, biceps, shoulders, abs, and back. Material can vary, but tricep ropes are a rope, often with ... Continue Reading
Best Speed Sleds
A speed sled can be a very valuable piece of equipment for improving acceleration, which can boost performance in both team sports, such as soccer, football, and baseball, and individual sports, such as ... Continue Reading
Best Wrist Weights
Wrist weights have undergone a facelift in recent years! While you may picture the lumpy, old, velcro-laden monstrosities from decades past, improved technology and materials have resulted in sleeker, more ... Continue Reading
Best Agility Cones
Almost every sport requires its athletes to make spur of the moment decisions. Whether in short bursts like in football and basketball or long stints like in soccer or hockey, increasing your agility can ... Continue Reading
The 7 Best Ankle Straps of 2025 (Nov Update)
Like squat racks or free weights, cable machines are ubiquitous at just about any gym. And for anyone looking to make the most out of leg day, cable machine exercises should ... Continue Reading
Best Weighted Hula Hoops
Most of us could stand to increase our cardiovascular activity. Problem is, a lot of cardio can be pretty boring. If dragging yourself to the treadmill or the exercise bike feels like an insurmountable ... Continue Reading