On Saturday, May 23rd, Scottish strongman Tom Stoltman lifted a world record 286kg/630lb Atlas Stone over a bar on a live stream to set the heaviest mark ever recorded in that lift. The event was one ... Continue Reading
Hafthor Bjornsson Reveals He Suffered Injury Before World Record Deadlift
Many people around the world know by now that on May 2nd, 2018 World’s Strongest Man and three-time Arnold Strongman Classic Champion Hafthor Bjornsson made history by breaking Eddie Hall’s record in the ... Continue Reading
If 2021 Olympic Games Are Canceled, Rescheduling Is Very Unlikely
Yesterday, BBC shared an article that detailed the latest information about the 2021 Olympic Games from the International Olympics Committee's (IOC) President, Thomas Bach. The Olympics, which have already ... Continue Reading
4 Alternatives For When You Don’t Have Cardio Machines
Maybe you have access to a gym, maybe you don't, but whether you're leery of cardio machines or you just don't have any available, there are options. You've probably read one or two articles about ... Continue Reading
Brooke Ence Is a Villain In the “American Gladiators”-Style Show “Ultimate Tag”
If you missed it, a new game-show-slash-obstacle-course-race premiered this week on Fox that combines American Gladiators with your beloved grade school games of tag. And CrossFit veteran Brooke Ence is ... Continue Reading
Does the Side You Load Matter In the Lunge and Split Squat?
Single-leg lower body exercises like the lunge and split squat are fantastic because they come with a ton of variety and provide handfuls of benefits. It's fairly easy to see the main differences ... Continue Reading
Justin LoFranco: The Mind Behind Morning Chalk Up (Podcast)
Justin LoFranco is the founder and CEO of Morning Chalk Up, a daily newsletter and media company dedicated to all things CrossFit. He joins the BarBend Podcast to talk about his roots on Capitol Hill and ... Continue Reading
Are Your Abs Actually Strong, or Are Your Hip Flexors Doing the Work?
Do you find you feel your hip flexors more than your abs after a high volume day of toes-to-bars or sit-ups? Or maybe you’re really good at kipping toes-to-bar, but strict ones elude you? Chances are ... Continue Reading
How To Watch Tom Stoltman’s Atlas Stone World Record Attempt
Strongman Tom Stoltman is set to attempt a new Atlas Stone world record on Saturday, May 23rd in Scotland as part of World's Ultimate Strongman's (WUS) "Feats of Strength" series. The lift in question ... Continue Reading
Scott Herman Explains How to Stay Strong Without the Gym (Brought to You by BSN)
Scott Herman is a legendary BSN-sponsored athlete with over 2 million YouTube subscribers and half a million Facebook fans. As one of the most influential trainers online, if you’ve searched for an ... Continue Reading
Thor Bjornsson Says He’ll Never Work With Giants Live Again
2018 World’s Strongest Man Hafthor Bjornsson has had a pretty tumultuous month. After winning the Arnold Strongman Classic in March and scheduling his 501kg world record deadlift attempt for early May, his ... Continue Reading
Julius Maddox Lifts 705 Pounds for 4 Reps on the Bench Press (RAW)
Julius Maddox, the current all-time world record holder in the raw bench press, is still preparing for his attempt to make history on June 27 when he hopes to become the first man to press 800 pounds (363 ... Continue Reading
5 Medicine Ball Exercises You Should Try (That Aren’t Slams)
Medicine balls are great for slamming, throwing, and developing power and explosiveness. And it has been that way for almost 3,000 years. Yes, that long. While the details are sketchy on the ... Continue Reading
20 Weights-Free Exercises to Help Your Deadlift Strength
You want to improve your deadlift but you haven’t seen a lifting platform in months. You’re near panic mode, and I feel you. But you don’t have to completely despair — sure, it’ll take time to get back ... Continue Reading
Why I’m Not Going Back to the Gym (Yet)
I have had conversations with dozens of gym goers, many of whom desperate to get back in the gym and back on the barbell. Understandable. Although most of them have been following their gym’s ... Continue Reading
Strongman Robert Oberst Reacts To Mean Tweets On YouTube
The 35-year-old strongman Robert Oberst has been drumming up a lot of views on his YouTube channel lately, which has included of late pushing for a boxing match with Nick Best and claiming that Thor ... Continue Reading
Brent Fikowski’s Training Plan, Recovery, and Competition Tips
Brent Fikowksi is one of the most consistent and accomplished CrossFit Games athletes in recent memory. He's competed at the Games in 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019, and he finished in second place overall in ... Continue Reading
What the Cue “Spread the Floor” Means In the Squat and Deadlift
The words "spread the floor" get thrown around a lot when lifters are discussing positioning and cues for the squat, deadlift, and press. For the newer lifter that might not be as familiar with the barbell ... Continue Reading
Check Out Samantha Calhoun Deadlift 3x Her Bodyweight
Samantha Calhoun has been competing in the -63kg weight class for the past four years and has been extremely impressive in that time. She made her competitive powerlifting debut at the age of 25 on ... Continue Reading
4 Upper Body Exercises You Can Do With Just Weight Plates
Breaking news: Weight plates are not just for putting on a barbell. They can be a useful exercise tool on their own, and for people who have limited access to dumbbells, barbells, and ... Continue Reading
IFBB Pro League Releases Revised 2020 Schedule
Earlier this week, the promoters of the Olympia announced that the biggest weekend in bodybuilding would take place December 16-20 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The change was made due to the COVID-19 pandemic ... Continue Reading
So You’re Jogging More Than Ever – Here’s How to Maintain Muscle Mass
In the good old days when your gym was open, you reliably strolled past the treadmills every morning to go right to the strength floor. Now, your barbells aren’t available to you, and instead of ... Continue Reading
Back to the Gym? Use This Professional Powerlifter’s 3-Step Plan!
As gyms start to reopen across the United States, you’ll see a lot of lifters getting back into things after a long layoff of doing…well, doing nothing. My guess is they’ll be a little frustrated at first, ... Continue Reading
Benjamin “Binnie” Downs Pulls Unreal 700lb Paused Deadlift Triple
Benjamin "Binnie" Downs is a Canadian powerlifter whose gigantic lifts in the gym are more of what one might expect a from a competitive strongman. We have seen him show off his strength ... Continue Reading