In the sport of powerlifting, it's become increasingly more rare to see athletes break records that have stood for more than two decades. This is mostly because with the growth of powerlifting over the ... Continue Reading
John Haack Hits a Big 230kg (507 lb) Raw Bench PR In Prep for Kern US Open
Powerlifter John Haack, or "USA" as he's commonly referred to within the sport of powerlifting, has been perusing through his training in prep for the Kern US Open taking place May 12-13th. We're less than ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Amanda Lawrence Squats 204kg (450 lbs) for 7 Reps With Ease
Powerlifter Amanda Lawrence has been hitting some strong lifts in prep for her next meet, which will be the USA Powerlifting Med City Raw Open being held on June 16th. Lawrence lifts in the -84kg weight ... Continue Reading
Watch Weightlifter Wes Kitts Barely Miss a 221kg Clean & Jerk
Wes Kitts is one of the brightest jewels in California Strength’s crown, routinely lighting up Instagram with his feats of strength. His latest: an excellent clean followed by an almost jerk of 221 ... Continue Reading
Vega One All-in-One Shake Review — Is It Totally Natural?
Vega is one of the best known names in vegan nutritional supplements, stating that “you shouldn’t have to choose between clean, plant-based nutrition and on-the-go convenience” They were founded in 2004 ... Continue Reading
19 Year-Old Weightlifter Meso Hassona Clean & Jerks a Monstrous 221kg (487 lbs)
Over the last ten days, the 2018 Asian Youth and Junior Weightlifting Championships took place in Urgench, Uzbekistan. This competition hosted 248 lifters from 22 countries and included a couple firsts, ... Continue Reading
Box Squat vs Regular Squat – Which Is Best for Your Goals?
In this article we will compare the training outcomes between the box squat vs the regular squat, both of which are widely used throughout strength, power, and fitness sports training. In the sections ... Continue Reading
Watch 16 Year-Old Football Player Jake Wolfe Push a 1,368 lb Sled
At BarBend, we love heavy sled pushes. In our eyes, they're a movement similar to the squat and deadlift, a pure performance of strength that test an athlete's grit and tenacity. The best part about ... Continue Reading
How 5 World-Class Strongmen Are Prepping for World’s Strongest Man
Strength athletes around the world have been on the edge of their seats waiting for the 2018 World’s Strongest Man contest to kick off — and the athletes have never trained harder. This may be the ... Continue Reading
Two Ways Forward Banded Deadlifts Can Improve Your Pulling Strength
One training modality that's often sought out to support working through sticking points and correcting lifting postures is accommodated resistance. This additional resistance often used in the form of ... Continue Reading
USA Weightlifting Names Team for 2018 World University Championships
The 2018 FISU World University Weightlifting Championships will be held this September, and USA Weightlifting has released the names of their squad. The World University Games, also called the ... Continue Reading
Watch JP Price’s Unreal 1,003 Pound Squat (With Bonus Walkout)
Very strong person JP Price has hit one of the heaviest squats of his career with a mighty 1,003-pound (455-kilogram) raw lift, which the superheavyweight made yesterday at a gym in Kansas City. The lift ... Continue Reading
More Legs, More Protein: Why You Really Should Eat Insects
The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that at least two billion people worldwide regularly consume insects, which is to say that it’s weird but not that weird.(1) Humans, after ... Continue Reading
Reverse Band Box Squat – Muscles Worked and Benefits
Band training is an advanced technique often to increase strength, neural drive, and rate of force development for more advanced strength athletes/lifters. One method of of band training is the reverse ... Continue Reading
2018 CrossFit® Games Regionals Hint: Handstand Obstacle Courses
CrossFit® fans and Regional competitors get ready. Dave Castro has announced one of the first hints for this year's CrossFit Regionals competition, which are set to begin May 18th and extend through June ... Continue Reading
Strongman Eddie Hall Sets a New 100 Meter SkiErg World Record
You may not have known this, but professional strongman Eddie Hall has been the owner of the 100 meter SkiErg world record for 30-39 age group for the past few months. Although that record has since been ... Continue Reading
John Cena Celebrates 41st Birthday With a 160kg (352 lbs) Power Clean
Oh yes, it's that time of year again. It's the time of year when WWE professional wrestler John Cena reminds everyone that age is just a number, and he's still strong as an ox. Yesterday, Cena turned a ... Continue Reading
Double and Tandem Deadlifts Are On the Rise. Here’s How to Choose the Perfect Partner
Double deadlifts, or tandem deadlifts, are back on the rise in popularity, and a lot of that could probably be credited to social video sharing in the strength community. The double deadlift is an act ... Continue Reading
Chris Bridgeford Sinks a 400kg (881 lb) Squat and Deadlifts 410kg (903 lbs)
Powerllifting athlete Chris Bridgeford has been hitting absolutely monstrous strength feats in prep for the Kern US Open. He's set to take the stage in the 110kg (242 lb) weight class in less than a month ... Continue Reading
Barbell Shoulder Press & Military Press – Muscles Worked, Benefits, and Sport Considerations
The barbell shoulder press/military press is a compound barbell movement that builds serious upper body mass, strength, and can boost performance for strength, power, and fitness athletes. In this article ... Continue Reading
Could a Stronger Grip Suggest Higher Cognitive Functioning?
You can tell a lot by an athlete's hand, and no, I'm not referencing palm reading or any other form of visual assessment that make claims based In this article, I'm referencing ... Continue Reading
14 Year Old Weightlifter Morgan McCullough Smokes a 162kg (356 lb) Clean & Jerk
Young 14 year old weightlifter Morgan McCullough has been quietly pushing big numbers under the watchful of eye of head coach Travis Mash. McCullough has been lifting as a Mash Mafia Weightlifting team ... Continue Reading
Sunwarrior Warrior Blend Review — Crazy High in Iron?
Sun Warrior launched in 2008 and with a commitment "to making the best plant-based proteins and superfood supplements." They sell a lot of interesting products, including a few devoted to digestive health, ... Continue Reading
Australian Powerlift Liz Craven Deadlifts 190kg (418 lb) At 56kg Bodyweight
Last weekend, Australian based powerlifter Liz Craven hit a big personal best on the competition platform. Craven competed in the Deadlift Pro at the Australian Fitness Show, which was a fitness expo that ... Continue Reading