If you had to guess how many reps world record holding powerlifter Larry "Wheels" Williams got on an AMRAP 225 lb bench press, what would you guess? To give some context and to aid in your guess, the top ... Continue Reading
The Complete Guide to Naturally Boosting Growth Hormone
Everyone seems to focus on testosterone in the quest for building strength, gaining muscle, losing fat, and boosting the libido, but growth hormone (GH) might deserve as much attention. It’s linked to ... Continue Reading
Matt Sohmer Squats 805 lbs for Three Easy Singles
New York based powerlifter Matt Sohmer is no stranger to moving heavy weight. He's continually proven that he has a very bright future ahead of him, and his latest squat video furthers this point. In fact, ... Continue Reading
5 Predictions for Strongman in 2018
Can I see into the future? Kinda. I made several predictions for the 2017 strongman season in this article, and I am fairly happy with the results. The major miss was Shaw taking his fifth World’s ... Continue Reading
Watch 17 Year-Old Powerlifter Alex Pavlov Squat 675 Pounds
It's not every day a lifter makes a milestone lift, and when they do, it's always better to do it surrounded (and spotted) by friends. And that's probably what makes Alex Pavlov's latest squat PR so ... Continue Reading
5 Benefits of Muscle Cleans
The muscle clean is an Olympic weightlifting clean variation that can help all level lifters develop greater upper body pulling strength, balance in the leg drive of the pull, and proper racking ... Continue Reading
Weightlifting Throwback: Leonid Taranenko Attempts a 270 Clean & Jerk!
On Christmas Eve, the best weightlifting video we've seen — or at least most interesting, the actual resolution isn't anything to write home about — is a true throwback. It's a video from the 1987 European ... Continue Reading
25 Days of Gifting: Reebok Legacy Lifters
To finish up our 25 Days of Gifting extravaganza, BarBend and Reebok are giving one lucky winner a pair of Reebok Legacy Lifters! Our final giveaway of December is perfect for any strength athlete: A ... Continue Reading
25 Days of Gifting: Onnit Supplement and Equipment Package
To continue our 25 Days of Gifting extravaganza, BarBend and Onnit are teaming up to give one lucky winner a holiday gift package featuring Onnit supplements and equipment! Love Onnit supplements? Love ... Continue Reading
Mat Fraser and Rich Froning Release Their Second Partner Challenge Workout
Get ready, because holiday season is prime time for the next iteration of #fraserfroningvstheworld. Do you and a friend have what it takes to beat two men with six individual CrossFit Games ... Continue Reading
25 Days of Gifting: Athletic Greens Christmas Bundle
To continue our 25 Days of Gifting extravaganza, BarBend and Athletic Greens are teaming up to give one lucky winner a holiday bundle package! The world's most famous greens supplement is ... Continue Reading
Research Suggests Whole Eggs Better for Muscle Building Compared to Egg Whites
The day and age of eggs getting a bad rap in the public eye seems to be coming to a close. In the strength world, eggs are often called the "perfect protein" because of their natural bioavailability, full ... Continue Reading
25 Days of Gifting: BarBend Banner & Apparel!
To continue our 25 Days of Gifting extravaganza, BarBend is giving away a gym banner and apparel package! One lucky winner will receive a full-size BarBend banner, perfect for hanging in your home, ... Continue Reading
Things Strength Athletes Hear When They Go Home for the Holidays
"When are you getting engaged?" and "Oh wow, you look great, have you lost weight?" These are the common questions and statements that most receive when they go home for the holidays, but not everyone ... Continue Reading
Should Weightlifters Do Hang Movements from Above or Below the Knee?
The hang position has many benefits for improving efficiency in the snatch and clean & jerk, such as more time under tension, increased back strength, and better awareness throughout the lifts. There ... Continue Reading
Vlad Alhazov Squats 465kg (1,023 lbs) for an Insanely Heavy Double
Before reading on, we guarantee this will probably be the heaviest squat set you see today. Ukrainian powerlifter Vlad Alhazov is pretty well known for moving insane amounts of weight. Back in July, he ... Continue Reading
The Two Pieces of Equipment Every Powerlifter Needs in the Gym
It’s December, and that means it’s the season for…gearing up for next season. I’m a raw lifter, but I love new training equipment, and I’m often really surprised by the number of people who either (A) ... Continue Reading
Glute Ham Raises vs Hyperextension
The glute ham raise and the hypertension are two movements seen throughout accessory training segments in most powerlifting, weightlifting, functional fitness, and strongman programs. While these two ... Continue Reading
25 Days of Gifting: Wags & Weights Apparel Package!
To continue our 25 Days of Gifting extravaganza, BarBend and Wags & Weights are teaming up to give one lucky winner an apparel package with gifts perfect for cold weather training! Wags & ... Continue Reading
Our Favorite Sick Angles Photos from the 2017 Weightlifting World Championships
In the weightlifting world, Steve Galvan wears a lot of hats. He's an athlete, coach, announcer, and occasional color commentator. But he's probably best known internationally as the IWF's official ... Continue Reading
Glute Ham Raise vs Back Extension
In this article we discuss the differences and training considerations between glute ham raises vs back extensions. Strength, power, and fitness athletes/coaches should become aware of the subtle yet ... Continue Reading
25 Days of Gifting: $120 Trifecta Gift Card!
To continue our 25 Days of Gifting extravaganza, BarBend and Trifecta are teaming up to give one lucky winner a $120 gift card for Trifecta meals! Find out why Trifecta is the athlete’s choice ... Continue Reading
2017 Strength Athlete Holiday Gift Guide
The holiday season is in full effect, and the time to find gifts for your loved ones is coming to a close. For this article, we're not talking about just any loved ones, like your Aunt Tracy who only asks ... Continue Reading
Why Every CrossFit® Gym Needs a Cable Crossover Machine
A piece of equipment usually reserved for the $10/month gym, the cable crossover machine has a spot in any functional fitness setting. The ability to focus in on strengthening individual muscle groups and ... Continue Reading