If you’re one of those “breakfast is the most important meals of the day” people then there’s a good chance you start the day with a hearty, nutritious meal and a steaming cup of coffee. Nothing better for ... Continue Reading
Benefits of Pea Protein and Potential Downsides
Pea protein’s bad reputation is unfounded, says science. This plant-based protein source is known to build muscle just as well as whey protein, and it’s naturally hypoallergenic — that is, it’s naturally ... Continue Reading
5 Adaptogenic Mushrooms That Might Improve Your Workout
If adaptogens have been on your radar, you might have come to know about functional mushrooms. Over recent years, the demand for these mighty mushrooms have bloomed in the supplement aisle, thanks to its ... Continue Reading
Look At Eddie Hall’s Insane Body Transformation Over The Past Two Years
Professional strongman Eddie Hall just uploaded a before and after photo highlighting his weight loss journey that has taken place over the last two years. After dropping nearly 70 pounds and a ... Continue Reading
Ample Releases New Bulk Version of Their Popular Meal Replacement
One of our favorite things about Ample is that it's incredibly filling; it provides a really good balance of protein, fiber, and fat; it delivers a lot of nutrients that many people are low ... Continue Reading
New Study Suggests Weed May Increase Motivation to Work Out
Many people who consume cannabis report that it makes exercise more enjoyable and motivates them to be more active, according to the first large study of legal marijuana and workout habits. Published in ... Continue Reading
What’s the Best Whey: Concentrate, Isolate, Hydrolysate?
You know that if you want to build or retain muscle, it’s important to consume a good amount of protein per day. (Here’s how much protein is ideal, if you’re unsure.) But with protein typically being ... Continue Reading
What Powerlifter Blaine Sumner Eats To Bench Press 1,003 Pounds
What does Blaine Sumner, a 400 pound elite powerlifter, have to eat to maintain weight and bench press over 1,000 pounds? When you think about the amount of calories an elite athlete needs to consume in ... Continue Reading
The Best Foods and Supplements for Fighting Inflammation
Inflammation is a word that gets thrown around a lot, and it’s such a common phenomenon that it tends to get misused. Every other supplement “fights inflammation.” Sitting too much causes inflammation.(1) ... Continue Reading
Athletic Greens Whey Protein Review – Is Grass-Fed Better?
“The purest pasture raised whey on Earth” is the promise made by Athletic Greens for their 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein. Founded in 2010, Athletic Greens is best known for their greens supplement, which I ... Continue Reading
Can Turmeric Really Improve Your Workout Recovery?
Have you heard? Turmeric is spicing up the wellness and fitness world. Commonly known as a spice that’s used in many Asian and Indian dishes, turmeric has gained new-found fame in “wellness” drinks and ... Continue Reading
Here’s What Rich Froning is Eating as He Trains for the CrossFit Games
We’ve seen what Noah Ohlsen eats when he trains but we’ve always wanted a close look at the diet of the man who has won the title of Fittest Man on Earth™ more than anybody else: Rich Froning. The ... Continue Reading
5 Perfect Pre and Post-HIIT Workout Meals (With Kettlebell Kitchen)
Everyone has them — the perfect pre and post-workout meals. These are the foolproof, fail safe meals that always provide the perfect level of satiation, energy, and taste to power through and recover from ... Continue Reading
Is a Low Fat Diet Really Ideal for Athletes?
If you’re sedentary and trying to lose weight, there’s a case to be made for limiting carbohydrate intake and increasing fat. But if you exercise regularly, and especially if you’re interested in gaining ... Continue Reading
Are Beets the Ultimate Pre Workout Food?
If you’re in the market for a pre workout, there’s a good chances you’ve seen the letters N.O. emblazoned on many a tub. (Usually surrounded with terms like “insane pump” and “extreme ... Continue Reading
Does Cayenne Pepper Really Burn Fat?
Experts are pretty sure that chili peppers evolved their spiciness as a defense mechanism to keep them from getting eaten. But somewhere along the line, humans decided they love the feeling of their food ... Continue Reading
5 Super Simple Rules to Get Your Weightlifting Competition Prep on Track
Everyone’s got that ideal version of themselves created inside their mind. Some days, we fully live who this person is and the “perfect” lifestyle they lead, other times, we completely fall off the wagon. ... Continue Reading
Does Caffeine Actually Burn Fat?
Caffeine is already the most widely used stimulant on Earth, and in the United States alone it’s estimated that 90 percent of people consume it every single day. So when research started suggesting that ... Continue Reading
8 Natural Ways to Decrease Appetite
You can try and increase your fat oxidation, you can try and exercise more, but the boring yet undeniable truth is this: weight loss comes down to consuming fewer calories than you burn. A lot of time ... Continue Reading
Vegan Diet for Athletes: Can You Build Muscle with Plant-Based Nutrition?
The notion that a person can’t be strong without eating meat belongs in the same category as “low fat diets are best” and “jogging is the one ideal form of exercise.” It’s outdated. Performing at one’s ... Continue Reading
Should Athletes Try Low Carb Diets?
Fifty percent of the Standard American Diet’s calories comes carbohydrates, 13 percent from added sugar, 6 percent from sugary drinks, and eighty-seven percent of Americans don’t eat enough vegetables.(1) ... Continue Reading
Fat Loss for Athletes: The Right Way to Approach Calories and Hormones
Whether you’re a strength athlete or a bodybuilder — in fact, even if you’re neither — there’s an extremely good chance that at some point in your life you’ve wanted to lose fat while losing as little ... Continue Reading
25 Days of Gifting: Kettlebell Kitchen Giveaway
For the fifteenth day in BarBend's 25 Days of Lifting…Gifting campaign we've teamed up with one of our favorite meal delivery services. For today's giveaway, one lucky winner will be walking ... Continue Reading
The Real Mass Gainer Pros and Cons, According to an RD and a Biochemist
A lifelong muscle-building journey can be enjoyable and rewarding, but you’ll likely hit plateaus along the way. After months of training and eating, you may have popped into the supplement aisle to see ... Continue Reading