Jon Call, better known as Jujimufu, first gained wide national exposure on America’s Got Talent when he did something few ever thought they’d see: an extraordinarily bulky, muscular man pulling of a full ... Continue Reading
Rotational, Reactive, and Lateral: Three Forgotten Pieces of the Strength Training Puzzle
In my experience, nine times out of 10 when my clients have gotten injured acutely, injury hasn’t happened in the gym. Acute injuries can happen while playing a sport, or in life. Doing something like ... Continue Reading
Ronnie Coleman Speaks About Career and Injuries on “Joe Rogan Experience”
Eight-time Mr. Olympia and International Sports Hall of Famer Ronnie Coleman was a guest on the June 10th episode of the Joe Rogan Experience. The renowned podcaster and UFC commentator has spoken about ... Continue Reading
3 Ways to Fix Dreaded Good Morning Squats
The good morning squat is a movement pattern that is loathed by many. These awkward looking squats are always the first to be ridiculed on social media and are easily identifiable across every gym ... Continue Reading
IOC Confirms Athletes May Not Kneel or Protest at Olympic Venues
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has released a three page document clarifying Rule 50 of the International Olympic Charter regarding "advertising, demonstrations, and ... Continue Reading
Mat Fraser Withdraws From 2020 Rogue Invitational
Reigning 4-time Fittest Man on Earth Mat Fraser will not be participating in the Rogue Invitational scheduled to take place this weekend. Fraser took to his Instagram page to relay the news that a ... Continue Reading
4 TRX® Exercises You Should Do For a Stronger Core
A strong core doesn’t just directly improve sports performance, it's a fundamental part of injury prevention as well. Plus, powerlifters have thought training the big 3 is all that’s needed for a strong ... Continue Reading
CrossFit Games Champion Mat Fraser Shares Thoughts on Greg Glassman Twitter Controversy
On Tuesday evening, around the time reports were confirming that Dave Castro would replace Greg Glassman as CrossFit's CEO, four-time defending CrossFit Games Champion Mat Fraser took to Instagram to share ... Continue Reading
Greg Glassman Retires, Dave Castro to Become New CEO of CrossFit
According to reports, Dave Castro will be named the new CEO of CrossFit HQ after Greg Glassman stepped down from the position following extensive backlash for comments he made on Twitter regarding the ... Continue Reading
Ben Bergeron and Rory McKernan To Host Affiliate Town Hall
Ben Bergeron and Rory McKernan will be hosting an online affiliate town hall on Wednesday, June 10th at 12pm EDT. The town hall will allow for gyms still affiliated with CrossFit to ask questions and ... Continue Reading
Gyms Are Re-Opening, Use This 4-Week Guide to Strategically Increase Weight
Everywhere around the globe, gyms are beginning to re-open slowly which means eager lifters are prepping themselves to get back into their tradition training. While it's certainly exciting to return to ... Continue Reading
2020 Rogue Invitational: Reebok Now Partner, and Workouts Announced
After a stressful and controversial last few days in the CrossFit world, companies, athletes, and the community are looking to turn the page and move forward. That process will start with this weekend’s ... Continue Reading
Brian Shaw Aids Crash Victim By Nearly Pulling His Car Door Off
This past Friday, June 5th, 4-time World Strongest Man champion Brian Shaw was present on the scene of a car crash near his home. The accident was purported to be a head-on collision that left one of the ... Continue Reading
The Ultimate Guide to Strength Sports for Masters Athletes (And Why They’re for You)
The last thing we want anyone to think is that if they’re over 35, fitness is out of their reach. There are countless folks in that “Masters” age group lifting hundreds of kilograms and competing at elite ... Continue Reading
Hafthor Bjornsson Gets Trained by Annie Thorisdottir: “Hardest Session of My Life”
On June 8, 2018 World’s Strongest Man Hafthor Bjornsson posted a training video on his YouTube channel, but it wasn’t one of his typical strongman type sessions. Instead, he was joined in the video and ... Continue Reading
World’s Strongest Man Martins Licis Marches in Support of #BlackLivesMatter Movement
There has been a lot of attention and focus on the #BlackLivesMatter movement in recent weeks since the death of George Floyd while he was in police custody. Numerous protests have been made across the ... Continue Reading
5 Tips to Improve Your Recovery Between Intense Workouts
As I sat there unable to straighten my arms without some serious effort and pain four days after doing Murph on Memorial Day in May, I came across this social media post by James FitzGerald, the Founder of ... Continue Reading
“Big Floyd” WOD Commemorates George Floyd
This past weekend on Saturday June, 6th, a workout of the day (WOD) titled "Big Floyd" was performed by athlete members of participating CrossFit gyms. The WOD, designed by Stacy Pugh from Black Power ... Continue Reading
Phil Andrews: International Weightlifting and the McLaren Report (Podcast)
On June 4th, Professor Richard McLaren released his team's report investigating allegations of financial corruption, election fraud, and doping cover ups at the International Weightlifting Federation's ... Continue Reading
First Bodybuilding Show in Months Held in Oklahoma; Physician Who Won Weighs In on Precautions
On June 6, bodybuilding and fitness competitions officially made their return to the United States. The NPC Battle of the Bodies contest was held in Tulsa, Oklahoma. This show was the first contest held ... Continue Reading
Tia-Clair Toomey Makes Statement on Glassman Controversy
Three-time and defending CrossFit Games Women’s Champion Tia-Clair Toomey is among the latest notable people in the sport of fitness to express her thoughts about the recent controversy surrounding founder ... Continue Reading
Greg Glassman Responds to Tweet Controversy: “I Made a Mistake By the Words I Chose Yesterday”
On Saturday, June 6th, CrossFit Founder Greg Glassman wrote a two-word tweet that would eventually ignite controversy in almost all corners of the CrossFit community. "It's FLOYD-19." The tweet was ... Continue Reading
No Longer Affiliates: Why Some CrossFit Gyms Were Leaving the Brand Before Twitter Controversy
The impact of the death of George Floyd while in police custody and the following protests and riots have been felt across all sports, but it has only been the latest in a larger issue that many CrossFit ... Continue Reading
Rogue Fitness Expresses Criticism of Greg Glassman and Support of CrossFit Community
On June 7th, many companies, athletes, and fans shared their displeasure with the now infamous tweet made by CrossFit CEO Greg Glassman. The latest major brand to denounce what Glassman said and express ... Continue Reading