We're all stuck inside, we're all trying to figure out how to avoid losing our strength and muscle while the gyms are closed and the barbells are gathering dust, and Arnold Schwarzenegger has come to the ... Continue Reading
Brian Shaw and Eddie Hall May Face Off Bodybuilding Style
You’ve seen Brian Shaw and Eddie Hall are very familiar with each other when it comes to competitions. They’ve competed at the elite level of strongman. Shaw won the 2016 World’s Strongest Man for his ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Bryce Lewis Deadlifts 804lb PR, Cracks Instagram Analytics
Bryce Lewis has been competing in the 105kg weight class since 2015 and has been on an absolute tear. He has not yet competed in 2020, but since 2019 he has appeared in twelve meets and did not miss ... Continue Reading
Stability Vs Strength: Why Language Matters
This article is indebted to the work of Dr. Jordan Shallow. Check him out at The Muscle Doc and consider taking one of his courses. How can I fix the hip shift while squatting? What ... Continue Reading
Best Fitness Trampolines
For many, the worst part of a cardio workout is the tedium. Those wary of hitting the exercise bike or the treadmill yet again, may want to consider an alternative manner to get their heart rates up. ... Continue Reading
How I Cope With My Missing-the-Gym Anxiety
One of the hardest things for a lot of strength athletes to do is slow down. For many of us, the idea of not being able to lift can be legitimately inspire fear. When I was a teenager, I had surgery ... Continue Reading
Eugen Loki: Blending Art and Fitness to Educate (Podcast)
Eugen Loki is personal trainer based in Rome, Italy. More than likely you’ve seen his Instagram page Pheasyque on multiple occasions that has more than 600 thousand followers. On his page, he creates ... Continue Reading
17 Year Old Powerlifter Jackson Powell Squats a Huge 885lb PR
Jackson Powell is a name everyone in the powerlifting community is going to have to become more familiar with very very quickly. When he was just 16 years old, he was squatting 297kg/655lb triples and ... Continue Reading
COVID-19 and Member Retention: How Will Small Gyms and CrossFit Boxes Survive?
Four months ago, I paid for four months up front for a gym membership in Etampes, France—where I am living for the next few months. Like many gyms around the world, my gym closed last week due to the ... Continue Reading
3 Strategies Every Lifter Can Use to Stay Productive At Home
Unless you literally live under a rock in the middle of the rainforest you know how much the COVID-19 epidemic is upsetting daily life around the world. Without getting into the political aspects of the ... Continue Reading
Best Agility Discs
For athletes training for a sport, individuals looking to build up their own speed and agility, or coaches and physical education teachers simply looking to mark points on a field, agility discs are a ... Continue Reading
4 Household Items That Can Double As Fitness Equipment
You may be one of the many athletes currently stuck at home and without access to a gym due to the coronavirus pandemic. If so, you might be concerned about those precious gains turning to steady ... Continue Reading
14 CrossFit Games Women Reveal Their Daily Macros
While you can’t paint all elite CrossFit women with the same dietary brush, I thought I’d investigate to find out how similar, or different, their diets really are. BarBend spoke with 14 female athletes ... Continue Reading
8-Time Fitness Olympia Champion Adela Garcia Will Return
While the early portion of the 2020 IFBB Pro League season has been placed on hold due to the coronavirus pandemic, the news and developments of the 2020 Olympia is still happening and another announcement ... Continue Reading
How Exercise Reduces Cabin Fever (Plus Home Workouts to Get Started)
The coronavirus has caused a big pause button to be pushed on our everyday lives. Gyms are closing, workplaces and schools are closing, and the news coverage is focused on the virus 24/7. And a lot of ... Continue Reading
4 Ways to Make Bodyweight Training Harder (Time to Get Creative!)
Unlike loading up the barbell or grabbing heavier dumbbells, bodyweight training isn't an easy to modify to increase intensity in the form of load. Granted, you can technically add weight to any bodyweight ... Continue Reading
When Bodybuilding Met Wrestling: The Bizarre Tale of the World Bodybuilding Federation
The recent rebirth of the XFL has reminded the sporting world that Vince McMahon, a man synonymous with World Wrestling Entertainment, is a man of many interests. Given his larger than life TV persona, ... Continue Reading
2020 Strongman Events Canceled or Postponed Due To Coronavirus (Updated)
The coronavirus pandemic is causing a multitude of strongman events to be canceled, postponed, or otherwise forced to adjust the events accordingly. We at BarBend decided it would be helpful to ... Continue Reading
5 Ways to Cope With Missing Your Workout Buddy
Even if you’re not concerned at all about personally catching COVID-19, limiting your travel and people time can be a really important way to protect folks who are immunocompromised and more susceptible to ... Continue Reading
2020 Powerlifting Events Canceled or Postponed Due To Coronavirus (Updated)
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic as characterized by the World Health Organization (WHO) last week is causing a multitude of powerlifting events to be canceled, postponed, or otherwise forced ... Continue Reading
Gyms Set to Close In New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut
Earlier today, it was announced that New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut would be collaborating in a regional effort to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) by closing gyms, movie ... Continue Reading
So Your CrossFit Box Is Closed? Adapt With A Week of At-Home Workouts
On March 15th, COVID-19 became a lot more real for those of us in France. The French government announced restaurants, entertainment venues and all non-non-essential stores would close as of midnight. The ... Continue Reading
3 Most Common Push-Up Mistakes (With CrossFit Athlete Meg Reardon)
Multi-time CrossFit Games athlete and coach Meg Reardon knows a thing or two about push-up form. She sees way too many people make these three common push-up mistakes in her CrossFit classes, and ... Continue Reading
Arnold Australia and South America Events Postponed
The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have been felt across the globe. As a result sporting and fitness events worldwide have been getting either postponed to a date to be determined or cancelled ... Continue Reading