The 2016 Europe's Strongest Man winner and 9x World's Strongest Man competitor Laurence Shahlaei recently posted a YouTube video with his predictions for the 2018 Britain's Strongest Man competition. ... Continue Reading
Weighted Pull-Ups Without Belt/Dumbbell – Should You Do Them?
In this article we will discuss the reasoning behind performing weighted pull-ups with and without a belt/with a dumbbell. Both methods (with a belt vs without a belt/with a dumbbell) offer coaches and ... Continue Reading
BPI Sports Micronized Creatine Review — Quality Creatine for Cheap?
BPI Sports is a sports nutrition company based out of Hollywood, Florida, and they’re pretty well-known for their inexpensive protein powder and protein bars. But their product line is enormous: they sell ... Continue Reading
Coach’s Corner: Functional Fitness Training and Its Benefits for Every Strength Athlete
Functional fitness style training can take multiple forms and will tend to have a slightly different definition in the eyes of various coaches and athletes. No matter your strength sport, some form of this ... Continue Reading
Official Strongman Games 2017: A Photo Essay
Over two days in December, the greatest strongmen and strongwomen from across the globe met in Raleigh, North Carolina, at the Official Strongman Games. I had the honor of capturing images of these world ... Continue Reading
The Best Answers from Mattie Rogers’ Reddit AMA
Mattie Rogers is the United States’ strongest -69kg weightlifter, currently holding the national record in the snatch (106kg/233.7lb), clean & jerk (134kg/295.4lb), and total (239kg/527lb). She also ... Continue Reading
USA Powerlifting Announces 2018 Open Raw National Team
Yesterday, USA Powerlifting announced their 2018 roster for the Open Raw National team. Every year the IPF World Classic Championships brings out some of the best athletes in the sport of raw powerlifting. ... Continue Reading
MET-Rx Creatine 4200 — What’s In These Pills?
MET-Rx (pronounced "met-rex") is a sports nutrition company based in Boca Raton in Florida, and compared to other supplement companies they seem to focus a little more on football than bodybuilding. Their ... Continue Reading
Weighted Pull-Ups Alternatives
In this article, four alternatives to the weighted pull-up will be discussed, each with video demonstrations. In an earlier article we discussed the benefits and purpose of the weighted pull-up, which are ... Continue Reading
How Can Desk Jockeys Compete Against Career Strongmen?
I work in a cubicle. To be fair, it’s a decent-sized cubicle with a window that looks out onto a forested area, but as I sit here trying to prepare for my upcoming strongman competitions, I can’t help ... Continue Reading
Win A Pair of Reebok CrossFit® Nano 8 Flexweave Shoes!
It's that time of year again: New resolutions, new workouts, and new gains, which means it's ALSO prime time for a new pair of training shoes. That's why we're teaming up with Reebok to give away TWO pairs ... Continue Reading
How America’s Olympic Freestyle Ski Team Gets So Strong
The 2018 Winter Olympics are kicking off in South Korea on February 9th and each and every event provides jaw-dropping feats of athleticism. Winter Olympians train all year, every year with some of the ... Continue Reading
Katrin Davidsdottir on the Next Five Years of CrossFit and How Long She’ll Compete
A couple weeks ago, we had the opportunity to sit down with a couple of CrossFit's top athletes at a Reebok CrossFit Nano 8 launch event. Our goal was to score sit down time with each athlete and ask a few ... Continue Reading
Ben Pollack’s 4 Steps to the Perfect Powerlifting Warm-Up
Warming up is so hot right now, and that’s great, because it’s extraordinarily important to a good training plan. Warming up improves performance, reduces risk of injury, and it only takes a few ... Continue Reading
Brent Fikowski Discusses His Goals, CrossFit’s Future, and the Toughest Part of Being Fit
A couple weeks ago, we had the chance to sit down and interview Brent Fikowski at a Reebok CrossFit Nano 8 Launch event. In our conversation, we talked bigger CrossFit related topics, along with a few ... Continue Reading
Daniella Melo Squats 205kg (Only 1.5kg Under Her World Record) for Five Reps
Junior powerlifter Daniella Melo continues to show off an insane amount of strength under the bar. Still in her teenage years, Melo has continually pushed the IPF classic squat world record further and ... Continue Reading
Lasha Talakhadze Talks to IWF About Being Named Georgia’s ‘Athlete of the Year’
Two days ago, the IWF released a press release highlighting that Georgia named +105kg weightlifter Lasha Talakhadze 'Athlete of the Year,' along with his quotes on the topic. This award came for good ... Continue Reading
MuscleTech Platinum 100% Creatine Review — Simple and Straightforward?
MuscleTech is owned by Iovate Health Sciences in Ontario, Canada, which is the same company that owns popular supplement companies Six Star Pro Nutrition, StrongGirl, and Hydroxycut, among others. ... Continue Reading
Op-Ed: Why You (Yes, You) Should Be Doing Olympic Weightlifting
We think it’s pretty safe to say that by now, we all know strength training is good for you. Even mainstream gymgoers will typically agree that while, yes, cardio can be a great way to improve your health, ... Continue Reading
Julius Maddox Makes a 700 lb Raw Bench Press Look Easy
Yesterday, powerlifter Julius Maddox hit a huge gym PR and broke a major barrier for the bench press. For the last few months (and years), Maddox has been on a driven mission to break the 700 lb bench ... Continue Reading
Onnit’s Grass-Fed Whey Isolate Review — The Best Digesting Protein Powder?
Onnit is one of the fitness industry’s biggest giants even though their approach to wellness is somewhat unconventional. On the equipment side they’re perhaps best known for focusing on kettlebells, clubs, ... Continue Reading
5 Instant Game Changing Techniques for Strength Athletes
The clock is always ticking for the athlete. There is only so much time you will have in your life to play your given sport before you eventually will stagnate and begin to lose ground. If you haven’t ... Continue Reading
Dave Castro Announces New Movement Standards With 18.0 Workout
Yesterday evening, we shared an article in regards to Dave Castro's latest CrossFit Open 18.0 (zero) announcement/hint. Later that night, CrossFit went live streaming the announcement on their Facebook ... Continue Reading
L-Sit Hold Progression for Beginners
The l-sit hold is a powerful core strengthening exercise that develops isometric strength, body awareness, and gymnastic skill necessary for more advanced movements like ring training and the l-sit ... Continue Reading