Plyometric movements are a great way to increase overall fitness, power, and strength, which can lead to a stronger barbell movements like the deadlift, explains Doctor of Physical Therapy and Certified ... Continue Reading
CrossFit Games GM on Garard Suspension: “I Have a Hard Time Believing This Is News to Him”
The CrossFit Update Show has posted a new interview with Justin Bergh, the General Manager of the CrossFit Games, in which Sean Woodland spends almost twenty minutes questioning Bergh about the ... Continue Reading
Familiar Names Sit Atop the CrossFit Team Series Leaderboard
The annual CrossFit Team Series has come to a conclusion with big names sitting atop the leaderboard in the men's, women's, and mixed pairs divisions. This online competition takes place every year and ... Continue Reading
Lateral Raises – Push or Pull Exercise?
In an earlier article we discussed the lateral raise, a great isolation exercise to target the meaty heads of the deltoid (shoulder). When looking to increase shoulder hypertrophy, increase blood flow, and ... Continue Reading
7 Ways to Stimulate the Vagus Nerve (And Why You Should)
When talking about strength and wellness, you don’t hear a lot about nerves. You might be told that heavy lifting “jacks up” your central nervous system, but you don’t hear much about how you can ... Continue Reading
Top Athletes Respond to CrossFit Games Athlete Ricky Garard’s Failed Substance Test
By now, chances are you've heard the news that Reebok CrossFit Games athlete Ricky Garard failing a doping test and has stripped of his third place medal. For those who haven't, Tuesday evening, CrossFit ... Continue Reading
Catching Up with Chris Peil, Movement Coach to Eddie Hall and Zydrunas Savickas
The age of gigantic immobile strongmen is over. Long live even bigger, more athletic strongmen. While strength might be the name of the game in strongman, there is much more to the sport than just being ... Continue Reading
Hafthor Bjornsson Projects a 455kg (1,003lb) Squat In His Future
Hafthor Bjornsson, or Thor as most know him, continues to crush big weight, while calling out future strength feats. And Bjornsson's latest videos continue to show promise of what he may be capable in ... Continue Reading
Why Visualizing Success Is So Important for Powerlifting
Editor’s note: This article is part three of a three part series that will share insight into Charles Okpoko’s lifting career. The series will cover Okpoko’s athletic beginnings, his developing and ... Continue Reading
Strongman Pushes a Car That Was Deliberately Blocking Driveway
If you’re going to purposely block someone’s driveway, make sure they don’t have a strongman on speed dial. Abi Mustafa lives in Luton, a town about 30 miles north of London, and she had a problem. ... Continue Reading
Ricky Garard Responds to Failed Banned Substance Test
Last night, it came to light that Australian CrossFit Games athlete Ricky Garard, 23, had tested positive for banned substances, including testolone and endurobol. Testolone is a SARM, or selective ... Continue Reading
Harbinger BioForm™ Wristwrap Gloves Review
Lifting gloves are a supportive piece of strength equipment that are designed to protect an athlete's hands from general wear and tear. There are multiple types of gloves designed for various activities ... Continue Reading
Plyometric Push-Ups vs Regular – Which Is Best for Power, Strength, and Overall Fitness?
Plyometric and regular push-ups are very established and effective for increasing strength, power, and fitness, for nearly every athlete and fitness level. In the below sections we discuss how to perform ... Continue Reading
Ricky Garard Stripped of CrossFit Games Medal After Banned Substance Test
In a first-of-its-kind situation in CrossFit Games history, an Individual podium finisher has been disqualified and will lose his placement and prize money due to a positive test for banned substances ... Continue Reading
Check Out Denis Ulanov’s 225kg Clean & Jerk In Training
Kazakhstan's 85kg weightlifter Denis Ulanov just put up some huge weight in training. Earlier today, he posted a relatively smooth video of a 225kg clean & jerk. This lift surpasses the current 85kg ... Continue Reading
How to Make Strongman Your Day Job
Nearly everyone who has been bitten by the weightlifting bug has had the dream of making a living from it. Strongman athletes are no different. The desire to wake up and train, eat right and train some ... Continue Reading
4 Quick Tips to Improve Your Deadlift Lockout
Knees strong, palms are chalky. You wrap your fingers around the barbell at your feet, flatten your back, activate your lats, core, and glutes, and push your feet into the ground as you heave the weight ... Continue Reading
Infographic: The Greatest Wilks Scores of All Time
In powerlifting, the same weight can mean different things. When a 200-pound athlete and a 400-pound athlete both max their deadlift at 500 pounds, it’s generally understood that the 200-pound athlete ... Continue Reading
Plyometric Push-Up Variations
In recent articles I discussed the plyometric push-up, a very challenging yet beneficial plyometric-based upper body exercise to help all level lifters and athletes increase power output, enhance muscle ... Continue Reading
North Korea Will No Longer Host the 2018 IWF Junior World Weightlifting Championships
As the International Weightlifting Federation’s Executive Board meeting came to a close, an announcement was made that North Korea will no longer host the 2018 Junior World Weightlifting Championships. ... Continue Reading
IWF Clean Sport Commission Plans to Appoint Independent Testing Authority
On September 30th, the IWF confirmed the one-year bans presented to the national weightlifting bodies of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey, and Ukraine. This news ... Continue Reading
Working Out vs. Training vs. Movement: What’s the Difference?
“How often do you work out?” is easily one of the most common questions I get from people, both on the internet and in person. My response to this question is, “I never work out; I train and I move.” In my ... Continue Reading
Marijuana and Lifting Weights: What the Science Suggests
As of June 30, 2021, there are 19 states in the US where recreational marijuana, aka cannabis, is legal. Medicinal marijuana or CBD oil is legal in an additional 28 states. According to a 2019 National ... Continue Reading
IWF Upholds One-Year Bans for China, Russia, Kazakhstan, and More
In a statement published on September 30th, the International Weightlifting Federation has confirmed the national weightliftings bodies of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Russia, ... Continue Reading