Over the last few years, paleo and healthy meal delivery services have grown substantially in popularity. This change in opting for meal delivery services over cooking makes sense when you consider busy ... Continue Reading
Does Soy Lower Testosterone? What Athletes Need to Know
One of the most controversial topics in sports nutrition has got to be soy. The humble, unusually high-fat bean has been a dietary staple in much of Asia for thousands of years and today it makes up some 7 ... Continue Reading
YouTube Personality Nick Bare Tries Brian Shaw’s 12,000 Calorie Diet
A professional strongman diet is no joke. In fact, it seems like every time you watch a video covering what a professional strongman eats in-season, they often describe adhering to their diet as one of ... Continue Reading
Study: Breakfast Pre-Exercise May Increase Nutrient Metabolization
To breakfast, or not to breakfast, that is the question. Breakfast is often referred to as the most important meal of the day, but that's been seen as a slight exaggeration. After all, the most important ... Continue Reading
Certain Cancers Use Body Fat for Fuel, Says New Study
If you’re tired of being told that maintaining a lean physique is just an exercise in vanity, you might be pleased with this news. A new study by researchers at the Sloan Kettering Institute has ... Continue Reading
Transparent Labs Stim-Free Pre-Workout Review – Is Anything Missing?
Transparent Labs is making some pretty serious waves in the supplement industry, and not just because their products are all free from artificial ingredients. This is the kind of company that takes ... Continue Reading
GrubSub Meal Replacement Review – Too Much Iron?
GrubSub was started by biochemistry major Jesus Flores and two friends he met while studying at the California State University of Fullerton, and the product differentiates itself a little bit from other ... Continue Reading
Ample V Review – Does the Vegan Version Taste As Good?
Ample is one of the rising stars in the world of meal replacements, partly because all of their products are made with all-natural foods, but we'll be honest, the fact that their high fat content makes for ... Continue Reading
Queal Review – Can a Meal Replacement Taste Like Apple Pie?
Queal is a Dutch company and the name is short for "quick meal." It comes in several varieties including high protein, low calorie, and vegan, plus they sell bars and nootropics as well. The company is ... Continue Reading
Is a High Protein Diet Really Bad for Your Kidneys?
If there’s one thing popular opinion is good at, it’s scaring you off of doing healthy things. If it’s not mid-20th century doctors warning that lifting weights would lead to heart problems and low sex ... Continue Reading
The Surprising Benefits of Salt for Strength Athletes
Sodium is a lot more useful for strength and performance than you’ve been told. If you’re a fan of strongman, you might have seen Brian Shaw pouring many, many times the recommended daily intake of salt ... Continue Reading
GNC Women’s Ultra Mega Energy & Metabolism Review
Women's Ultra Mega Energy & Metabolism is a women’s multivitamin that is made by the well-known vitamin company GNC (chances are you’ve found yourself shopping for supplements and powders there once or ... Continue Reading
Glycogen Depletion – Signs and Symptoms
In an earlier article we took a very deep look at what glycogen is, the benefits it can provide strength, power, and fitness athletes, and how you can maximize its ergogenic effects. Sometimes, however, an ... Continue Reading
What Is Glycogen and How Does it Help Build Muscle?
The inclusion of carbohydrate supplementation post-workout and/or during strenuous training sessions has repeatedly been shown to increase muscle glycogen levels, enhance protein synthesis, and increased ... Continue Reading
More Legs, More Protein: Why You Really Should Eat Insects
The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that at least two billion people worldwide regularly consume insects, which is to say that it’s weird but not that weird.(1) Humans, after ... Continue Reading
Sunwarrior Warrior Blend Review — Crazy High in Iron?
Sun Warrior launched in 2008 and with a commitment "to making the best plant-based proteins and superfood supplements." They sell a lot of interesting products, including a few devoted to digestive health, ... Continue Reading
IdealShape’s IdealShake Review — The Right Minerals?
IdealShake comes from the Utah-based IdealShape, a company probably best known for their meal replacement shake but which also sells fat burners, collagen supplements, and vitamins and minerals. Many of ... Continue Reading
10 Kinds of Creatine and What They All Mean
When did creatine get so complicated? Once upon a time creatine monohydrate was the only kind available, but supplement companies have hit the market with seemingly endless varieties. It absorbs better, it ... Continue Reading
Study: Soy Really Does Not Affect Testosterone Levels
What is it with athletes and soy? It’s hard to mention vegan athletes or even for a non-vegan to eat a tofu stir fry without being pelted with broscience factoids about estrogen. “Say goodbye to your ... Continue Reading
The Complete Guide to Naturally Boosting Growth Hormone
Everyone seems to focus on testosterone in the quest for building strength, gaining muscle, losing fat, and boosting the libido, but growth hormone (GH) might deserve as much attention. It’s linked to ... Continue Reading
25 Days of Gifting: $120 Trifecta Gift Card!
To continue our 25 Days of Gifting extravaganza, BarBend and Trifecta are teaming up to give one lucky winner a $120 gift card for Trifecta meals! Find out why Trifecta is the athlete’s choice ... Continue Reading
10 “Unhealthy” Foods That Are Great for Athletes
Nutrition is an insanely confusing minefield of bro science, half truths, and bad studies. Add all that to the fact that it’s just as easy to find a jacked and ripped Paleo athlete as it is to find a ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Andrey Malanichev Discusses Insane Diet on Russian Talk Show
Russian powerlifter Andrey Malanichev recently appeared on Soviet Sports' live talk show, which is a Russian sport news outlet that cover a variety of sports. If you don't know Malanichev, he's the current ... Continue Reading
Should You Take Vitamin B12 Before a Workout?
If you’ve tried as many pre-workouts and BCAA supplements as we have, there’s a decent chance you’ve come across a sports supplement with Vitamin B12 in it. You probably know that the only dietary ... Continue Reading